In case of a defect report, please use this form for *VERIFIED* bugs only.
If you're unsure whether this is a defect or not, or you're unsure you're
using the right syntax, use the mailing list first to ask for advice or to
check if you're doing anything wrong.
Q. What is the expected outcome? What happens instead?
The image should stay intact, the drop shadow becomes darker on each tween
until its solid black.
Q. What code will reproduce the problem?
// import tweener
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
// holds current url/link for current image
var curLink:String = '#';
// delay between slides
const TIMER_DELAY:int = 5000;
// fade time between slides
const FADE_TIME:int = 1;
// reference to the current slider container
var currentContainer:Sprite;
// index of the current slide
var intCurrentSlide:int = -1;
// total slides
var intSlideCount:int;
// timer for switching slides
var slideTimer:Timer;
// slides holder
var sprContainer1:Sprite;
var sprContainer2:Sprite;
// slides loader
var slideLoader:Loader;
// url to slideshow xml
var strXMLPath:String = "slideshow-data.xml";
// slideshow xml loader
var xmlLoader:URLLoader;
// slideshow xml
var xmlSlideshow:XML;
function init():void {
// create new urlloader for xml file
xmlLoader = new URLLoader();
// add listener for complete event
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onXMLLoadComplete);
// load xml file
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest(strXMLPath));
// create new timer with delay from constant
slideTimer = new Timer(TIMER_DELAY);
// add event listener for timer event
slideTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, switchSlide);
// create 2 container sprite which will hold the slides and
// add them to the masked movieclip
sprContainer1 = new Sprite();
sprContainer2 = new Sprite();
// keep a reference of the container which is currently
// in the front
currentContainer = sprContainer2;
function onXMLLoadComplete(e:Event):void {
// create new xml with the received data
xmlSlideshow = new XML(;
// get total slide count
intSlideCount = xmlSlideshow..image.length();
// switch the first slide without a delay
function fadeSlideIn(e:Event):void {
/* var bmap:Bitmap = slideLoader.content as Bitmap;
bmap.smoothing = true;
bmap.width = 239;
bmap.height = 123;
bmap.scaleX = 1;
bmap.scaleY = 1;
// add loaded slide from slide loader to the
// current container
// clear preloader text
////mcInfo.lbl_loading.text = "";
// fade the current container in and start the slide timer
// when the tween is finished
Tweener.addTween(currentContainer, {alpha:1, time:FADE_TIME,
onComplete:function() { slideTimer.start(); }});
function switchSlide(e:Event):void {
// check, if the timer is running (needed for the
// very first switch of the slide)
// check if we have any slides left and increment
// current slide index
if(intCurrentSlide + 1 < intSlideCount)
// if not, start slideshow from beginning
intCurrentSlide = 0;
// check which container is currently in the front and
// assign currentContainer to the one that's in the back with
// the old slide
if(currentContainer == sprContainer2)
currentContainer = sprContainer1;
currentContainer = sprContainer2;
// hide the old slide
currentContainer.alpha = 0;
// bring the old slide to the front
mcSlideHolder.swapChildren(sprContainer2, sprContainer1);
// create a new loader for the slide
slideLoader = new Loader();
// add event listener when slide is loaded
// add event listener for the progress
(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, showProgress);
// load the next slide
slideLoader.load(new URLRequest(xmlSlideshow..image
// change current link
curLink = xmlSlideshow..image[intCurrentSlide].@link;
// add handler for click
mcSlideHolder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onMouseClick);
// show description of the next slide
////mcInfo.lbl_description.text = xmlSlideshow..image
// show current slide and total slides
////mcInfo.lbl_count.text = (intCurrentSlide + 1) + " / " +
intSlideCount + " Slides";
function onMouseClick(e:MouseEvent):void
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(curLink);
navigateToURL(request, "_blank");
function showProgress(e:ProgressEvent):void {
// show percentage of the bytes loaded from the current slide
////mcInfo.lbl_loading.text = "Loading..." + Math.ceil
(e.bytesLoaded * 100 / e.bytesTotal) + "%";
// init slideshow
Q. What version of the class are you using, and under which development
environment (IDE version, compiler, etc)?
- // AS3 1.31.74
Please provide any additional information below. Also, please attach
*small*, sample files with minimum functionality to reproduce the problem
if possible.
Original issue reported on by on 23 Dec 2008 at 6:06
Original issue reported on by
on 23 Dec 2008 at 6:06