skiqqy / C45DiscordBot

Proprietary™ (Thats a joke btw) C45 discord bot.
MIT License
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Improve help output #19

Open DavidBakerEffendi opened 4 years ago

DavidBakerEffendi commented 4 years ago

The current output is poorly aligned. We should consider formatting the commands in a similar way that CLI tools show help with -h flags.

skiqqy commented 4 years ago

The main issue with this is the way discord displays things, I think we should use a mixture of tabs and spaces

DavidBakerEffendi commented 4 years ago

My idea is to print something like this:

Usage: java [-options] class [args...]
           (to execute a class)
   or  java [-options] -jar jarfile [args...]
           (to execute a jar file)
where options include:
    -d32      use a 32-bit data model if available
    -d64      use a 64-bit data model if available
    -server   to select the "server" VM
                  The default VM is server,
                  because you are running on a server-class machine.