skiqqy / C45DiscordBot

Proprietary™ (Thats a joke btw) C45 discord bot.
MIT License
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Ability to host files #22

Open DavidBakerEffendi opened 4 years ago

DavidBakerEffendi commented 4 years ago


skiqqy commented 4 years ago

Ill try implement this tonight, im thinking we can host files saved under user#0000, this allows each user to only access thier files, perhaps in a later implementation, we can allow users to share thier "folder" with others

deavmi commented 4 years ago

I have an idea. we can use message.attachements to get the URL to the attached file, if that is what you want and then request.get().raw or something those URLs and store it in like userFiles/userName.

I can help out with the downloading part if you want so @Skippy404. Probably should make this a module though.