skiselev / 8088_bios

BIOS for Intel 8088 based computers
GNU General Public License v3.0
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QUESTION - Switching xt-ide bios #69

Open jrstrick opened 1 month ago

jrstrick commented 1 month ago

Do I understand correctly from the files included with the 8088_bios that I can use xt-ide config and switch the XT-IDE bios that is part of the 8088_Bios to use the fast V20 XT-IDE code?

skiselev commented 1 month ago

You totally can use the XT-plus (V20/80186+) XT-IDE Universal BIOS with Micro 8088.

You cannot switch the type of the BIOS using XTIDECFG(dot)COM. You'll need to switch the XT-IDE extension ROM image from ide_xt.bin to ide_xtp.bin.

You can either modify the CMake files to do so, or just manually, remove the first 8 KiB of the Micro 8088 image and replace it with pre-configured ide_xtp.bin. Both XT-IDE images are included in 8088_bios.

jrstrick commented 1 month ago

Aha. That's the part I was missing. Thanks. :)