skiselkov / BetterPushbackC

This is the BetterPushback plugin for X-Plane 11 and X-Plane 12
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Better Pushback crashes XP with runtime error #246

Open martinlest opened 5 years ago

martinlest commented 5 years ago

When I call the tug, I sometimes get an abnormal runtime termination window and XP11 closes (a tad annoying after so long setting up complex aircraft/FMS etc.. :-)

The XP11 log.txt shows this:

2018-12-05 15:44:34 BetterPushback[tug.c:1545]: assertion info.normalY > 0.0 failed (-0.000000 > 0.000000) Backtrace is: 0 0000000068B342CC 1 0000000068B25C96 2 0000000068B0857E 3 000007FEE83F4FE4 4 000007FEE83F5ED7 5 000000014061971E 6 00000001401538D9 7 000000014062B040 8 0000000140628943 9 000000013FCF80EE 10 0000000140022324 11 00000001408AB2D7 12 000000013FCFB41C 13 0000000140A938C7 14 0000000077B159CD 15 0000000077C7385D

Windows 7 x64 XP11.26. Any known cause/fix? Thanks.

martinlest commented 5 years ago

Just noticed others have posted the same issue. If only Better Pushback crashed, well, that'd be a pity but not a 'disaster': as this error causes XP to CTD though, well... enough said! :-)