skiselkov / BetterPushbackC

This is the BetterPushback plugin for X-Plane 11 and X-Plane 12
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Add French translation #45

Open skiselkov opened 7 years ago

skiselkov commented 7 years ago

Need a translation of text and voice messages into French.

The text messages can be found here:

Additional texts that need to be translated are on the icons:

The text of the voice messages in English is:

The voice messages need to be recorded as cleanly as possible. If you are unfamiliar with Git, you can place the translations and audio files into a ZIP file and attach them to a comment here. Any help is greatly appreciated.

birdydma commented 7 years ago

Accept plan : Accepter le tracé . If there is not enough room: Accepter tracé Cancel plan : Abandonner le tracé or Abandonner tracé Connect first : Prépositionnement Delete segment : Effacer le segment or Effacer segment Click & Drag : Cliquer et déplacer Move view : Déplacer la vue or Déplacer vue Click : Cliquer Place segment : Ajouter le segment or Ajouter segment Mouse wheel : Molette de la souris or Molette souris Rotate segment : Rotation du segment or Rotation segment

skiselkov commented 7 years ago

Thank you! I think I will use the shorter versions so I have space to make the font bigger.

birdydma commented 7 years ago

I am looking for any official phraseology, in french, between tug and crew. Is there any one, or English only is used? Will know.

skiselkov commented 7 years ago

I don't know for sure, but I imagine when both ground crew and cockpit crew are French, they just talk French. However, I plan on adding the feature that when a foreign aircraft is at a French-native airport, the ground crew speaks English, but with a French accent. So if you can record both a French and English version (with French accent - that is good :) ), that would be perfect.

skiselkov commented 7 years ago

Btw: I can also change the wording on the keyboard key images, so can you tell me how the following keyboard keys are called in French:

skiselkov commented 7 years ago

@birdydma Will you be able to record the audio messages yourself? Or do you know somebody who could do it?

birdydma commented 7 years ago

Enter = Entrée Esc = Esc Del = Suppr

birdydma commented 7 years ago

About voice messages:

It will be ASAP (August is a slowed down month). 1 - Find an official phraséo. 2 - If we find nothing, we will write a plausible french phraseo. 3 - Organize a reality show to select the better voice. May be 2 different voices for french speaking in french, and french speaking in English.

skiselkov commented 7 years ago

@birdydma Thank you!

birdydma commented 7 years ago

WIP. Air France procedure since 2010/10

skiselkov commented 7 years ago

Looks very good. Looking forward to the audio. In the mean time, can please also translate the text for the error message and menu items: You can put the translated strings into a comment here.

skiselkov commented 7 years ago

Here are the finished icons, please check if I made a mistake somewhere:

birdydma commented 7 years ago

Nice and fast. I have only a problem with the delete seg. We can keep it as it is, but i am not happy with my translation. If you have time, can you replace it with:

Supprimer le segment, or if too long: Supprimer segment?

birdydma commented 7 years ago

Text for error message in few days.

skiselkov commented 7 years ago

If you have time, can you replace it with: Supprimer le segment, or if too long: Supprimer segment?

No problem. Done. Please check it now.

skiselkov commented 7 years ago

French icons are included in v0.30.

birdydma commented 7 years ago

French icons in 0.30 are approved.

birdydma commented 7 years ago

Text of error messages (saved with notepad ++)

strings .zip

Messages are not displayed (0.31). Ie using smartco: connection lost. It was displayed with older releases

skiselkov commented 7 years ago

Text of error messages (saved with notepad ++)

Thank you!

Messages are not displayed (0.31). Ie using smartco: connection lost. It was displayed with older releases.

Strange, I have not changed anything in that logic in a while. I'll try to figure it out.

skiselkov commented 7 years ago

Please check if I got it right:

birdydma commented 7 years ago


Smartco: during the pushback, the slave push a request command, master release them, the push continue, but the turn is not done (no message). Now, we revert back the commands, the turn is done.

If the connection is lost, only the slave have the message displayed.

skiselkov commented 7 years ago

Smartco: during the pushback, the slave push a request command, master release them, the push continue, but the turn is not done (no message). Now, we revert back the commands, the turn is done.

Thanks for the explanation. I'll try to investigate.

If the connection is lost, only the slave have the message displayed.

This is expected behavior. The master doesn't really monitor the connection, because the master doesn't depend on any information from the slave. It's the slave that can't continue if the connection is lost.

birdydma commented 7 years ago

In English with my nice accent. Let me know. English with french

birdydma commented 7 years ago

In french French with french accent!.zip

skiselkov commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the audio! I'll start mastering it, expect in the next update.

skiselkov commented 7 years ago

Please test audio on v0.34. Check if it's too loud, too quiet, too distorted, not enough distorted etc.

birdydma commented 6 years ago

You did a good job, not me. My translation of driving-up is completely wrong.

Here is the new one.

birdydma commented 6 years ago

Messages. For exemple, this one:

msgid "Can't start planner: aircraft not stationary." msgstr "Ouverture du planificateur impossible: l'avion n'est pas à l'arrêt." is always in English.

Is it a WIP, or a bug?

skiselkov commented 6 years ago

Here is the new one.

Thanks, I'll remaster this sound.

Is it a WIP, or a bug?

Definitely a bug. Will fix.

skiselkov commented 6 years ago

Please test on v0.35. I've implemented the French-accented English stuff as well. See release notes, that should explain it better.

skiselkov commented 6 years ago

@birdydma Can you please translate these new texts for me:

birdydma commented 6 years ago

Will do ASAP. I was not near my computer today.

skiselkov commented 6 years ago

Thank you and no worries, there's no need to hurry.

birdydma commented 6 years ago

Here is. New

skiselkov commented 6 years ago


skiselkov commented 6 years ago

New texts in Preferences window in v0.37, please test if it all looks ok.

birdydma commented 6 years ago

New texts are OK.

skiselkov commented 6 years ago

@birdydma Thanks!

skiselkov commented 6 years ago

@birdydma I'd like to request a few more text-only translations for a new feature I'm working on:

birdydma commented 6 years ago


"Reconnect" Réattelage "Disconnect & hand signals" Désattelage et signal visuel


"Disconnect tow + headset and switch to hand signals." Désattelez tracteur, retirez casque et passez en signal visuel "Reconnect tow and await further instructions." Réattelez tracteur et attendez instructions


birdydma commented 6 years ago

"Pushback failure: cannot push this aircraft with engines running. Shutdown engines first."

Here is the translation:

Repoussage de cet avion impossible moteur(s) tournant(s). Arrêtez le(s) d'abord.

skiselkov commented 6 years ago

@birdydma Thanks!

birdydma commented 6 years ago

Left mouse button to reorient view Bouton gauche de la souris pour modifier l'angle de vue

Tug cab view Vue depuis le tracteur

skiselkov commented 6 years ago

@birdydma Thanks, adding.

birdydma commented 6 years ago

For the Preferences popup: Miscellaneous = Divers Auto disconnect when done = Déconnexion automatique en fin de repoussage

birdydma commented 6 years ago

Show developer menu = Afficher le menu développeur

Hide default X Plane 11 tug = Cacher le tracteur par défaut

Never ask and always automatically disconnect the tug when the pushback operation is complete = Le tracteur sera automatiquement déconnecté en fin de repoussage

Show the developer menu option = Affiche les options du menu développeur

Hide default X Plane 11 pushback tug = Cache le tracteur par défaut de X Plane 11 Restart X Plane for changes take effect = Redémarrer X Plane pour valider ce choix

Radio output Device = Radio: Choix du périphérique de lecture Sound output Device = Sons du tracteur: choix du périphérique de lecture

On this picture Developer menu: Menu développeur 2017-11-01_21h59_27