skiser / Routinely

Senior Design Project Fall 2019
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Sam's Journal #1

Open skiser opened 5 years ago

skiser commented 5 years ago

- 9/9 Began researching and determining the best way to include a way of having spotify along with google music along with the weather. Brainstorming and began organizing features which we would like to have for each milestone as well as making issues and use cases for each of the features. Documented the requirements and issues. Researched how to incorporate a list and organize it into our database. Looked at apps similar to ours to get ideas. Sources:

skiser commented 4 years ago

-9/17 Helped to develop the UML with bryan. Discussed and adjusted the order of when to integrate google calendar and the to-do lists APIs. I am now working on implementing a google calendar api. I have begun looking at example implementations of the google calendar API to get a better idea of how to implement it. Doing lots of research to make sure this is the best possible option for a calendar with all of the other features that we want to include within the calendar.

skiser commented 4 years ago

-9/25 Began implementing the User Interface for the Calendar portion of our app, including hard coded data in order to establish the basis of the feature before they are fully logged into the app. Established a way to move between different pages so that way we chase and I can develop the calendar and alarm clock portions of the app independently for the first milestone. Made progress in determining the correct way of establishing the API with google.

skiser commented 4 years ago

-10/2 Redesigned the navigation of our app so all of us can be working on our aspects separately. Established the UI of the Calendar, everything is hardcoded right now but it has the majority if not all of the functionality for just the calendar that we would like to have for this step but once I am able to work with the database I can then use the actual user data.

skiser commented 4 years ago

-10/9 Created a navigation bar at the bottom of each page with icons for each page that we have currently. Begun authorizing and determining the best way to get a user's data. Still stuck on this part due to their not being much documentation and trying to use other resources. Created a page to add an event to the calendar including where the user can choose a name, time and date. This information is not currently saved anywhere but I am trying to figure out the best way to do this.

skiser commented 4 years ago

-10/16 Connected firestore to the event page, made it so each person can create an event and it has the features of a title, startTime, duration, and a summary/notes. This is then sent and can be accessed by the user. This is currently being printed and loaded into the events array but we are having trouble viewing the data in the calendar with the current UI. Also resolved continued vector problems.

skiser commented 4 years ago

-10/23 Researched with bryan to determine how to make sure we got the correct user's info for the events and whenever we are accessing the database. I also have begun working on the repeat days for the event along with correcting some of the pre-established methods that are in the calendar to the way that we want to do them.

skiser commented 4 years ago

-10/30 This week, I worked with bryan to properly display the events on the correct days because we found that this was not working properly. We redirected the event creation page. We reestablished the getting of the events so that way there is a listener and the app continuously pools from the firestore database. We adjusted the features of the calendar so that we can show which days have events. We reordered the events so that way they are displayed in the order of the time that they are scheduled for. Displayed the date as well.

skiser commented 4 years ago

11/6 This week, I worked with bryan to determine how to alternate and delete data from the database and then properly display that. We are now able to delete events and can edit data in the database but are struggling to get that to properly show. We were able to create a seperate area to do the editting and now we just have to figure out how to reset the arraylist of all of the events.

skiser commented 4 years ago

*11/13 *This week, I worked on the notes page and make sure that it was properly working, making sure that you can edit and delete notes as well as adding them. I added rules to the firebase rules to improve our app security and testing. I encountered a bug when editting all events, todos, alarms, and notes and was able to resolve that issue. I added the alarms to the calendar pages and ensured that the marking of dates was happening for both. Correctly editting and deleting events with their unique ID's. Added the tasks to the calendar page.

skiser commented 4 years ago

11/20 This week I implemented the notes API, this took a good amount of research to find a good api to implement that would allow the user to get a daily quote of the day from the API. The majority of APIs cost money or where not doing what we needed them to do. SO i eventually ent with Iquotes and I was able to implement that and make a new page for it so now the user can get a new quote for the day.

skiser commented 4 years ago

12/4 Finished quote API so that way it is a true quote of the day for each user. Implemented the horoscope of the day API and made it so the user can select their horoscope sign to implement this feature. Also changed the marked dates on the calendar so the color reflects what kind of event/alarm it is. Began writing the draft for our final paper.