skishore / makemeahanzi

Free, open-source Chinese character data
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Missing character 朩 (děng) #71

Open teymour-aldridge opened 5 years ago

teymour-aldridge commented 5 years ago

The character seems to be missing.

parsimonhi commented 5 years ago

朩 is not common. There are many other characters like this one. Makemeahanzi contains most common characters (about 20% of the characters that have a unicode), and this is already a huge number of characters.

teymour-aldridge commented 5 years ago

Shouldn't it be added in the interest of accuracy?

parsimonhi commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately, 朩 seems not present in Arphic fonts (all makemeahanzi characters were generated more or less automatically using Arphic fonts). So, one has to build 朩 character shape using a graphic editor (such as inkscape). Then one can build the svg file using a text editor. Not impossible but not so simple.