skishore / makemeahanzi

Free, open-source Chinese character data
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How to run stroke-by-stroke 'Hanzi Decomposition' example ? #83

Open dhowe opened 4 years ago

dhowe commented 4 years ago

I can't figure out how to run the stroke-by-stroke 'hanzi decomposition' demo as shown here. I've loaded the app via the 'tool' branch, but this is what I see:


zwz commented 3 years ago

Well, I also checked out the tool branch. But I have no idea to run the tool. The package.json just contains:

  "es6-shim": "0.33.3"

and no README in client or server.

@dhowe How do you run it?

dhowe commented 3 years ago

Just run meteor from the top-level directory, then visit localhost:3000 in your browser

$ meteor
[[[[[ ~/git/makemeahanzi ]]]]]                

=> Started proxy.                             
=> A patch (Meteor for your current release is available!
   Update this project now with 'meteor update --patch'.

Your development database is using mmapv1, the old, pre-MongoDB 3.0 database engine. You should
consider upgrading to Wired Tiger, the new engine. The easiest way to do so in development is to run
meteor reset. If you'd like to migrate your database, please consult

=> Started MongoDB.                           
=> Started your app.                          

=> App running at: http://localhost:3000/
zwz commented 3 years ago

Ok, now I can run it. But here is what I get. 8B898469-D6FC-40FF-BB72-4320F6C7EE46

In the web console, it shows:

Exception in delivering result of invoking 'getNextGlyph': TypeError: Cannot read property 'character' of undefined
    at http://localhost:3000/app/app.js?hash=e6316128b50cf4ef466984c5e9ea2f0df7e4a10c:14139:52
    at MethodInvoker._callback (http://localhost:3000/packages/meteor.js?hash=ae8b8affa9680bf9720bd8f7fa112f13a62f71c3:1105:22)
    at MethodInvoker._maybeInvokeCallback (http://localhost:3000/packages/ddp-client.js?hash=27502404fad7fc072e57e8b0b6719f40d92709c7:3557:12)
    at MethodInvoker.receiveResult (http://localhost:3000/packages/ddp-client.js?hash=27502404fad7fc072e57e8b0b6719f40d92709c7:3577:10)
    at Connection._livedata_result (http://localhost:3000/packages/ddp-client.js?hash=27502404fad7fc072e57e8b0b6719f40d92709c7:4742:9)
    at onMessage (http://localhost:3000/packages/ddp-client.js?hash=27502404fad7fc072e57e8b0b6719f40d92709c7:3385:12)
    at http://localhost:3000/packages/ddp-client.js?hash=27502404fad7fc072e57e8b0b6719f40d92709c7:2736:11
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at Function._.each._.forEach (http://localhost:3000/packages/underscore.js?hash=27b3d669b418de8577518760446467e6ff429b1e:149:11)
    at SockJS.self.socket.onmessage (http://localhost:3000/packages/ddp-client.js?hash=27502404fad7fc072e57e8b0b6719f40d92709c7:2735:11)
donly commented 3 years ago

@zwz Hi, zwz. Please take a look #37