skishore / makemeahanzi

Free, open-source Chinese character data
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How to use the tool to create a similar database for Taiwanese character standards? #92

Open konstantinhenke opened 3 years ago

konstantinhenke commented 3 years ago

Hi skishore!

I'm in the process of creating stroke order data for traditional Chinese characters following the Taiwanese standard for stroke order and placement (which I consider essential in learning apps, considering Han-unification). After I found this font publicly available on an official website of the Taiwanese government, I happened to find the Make Me a Hanzi project and your amazing tool! I'm wondering if it might also work for a different (but obviously very similar) font, which would save me probably hundreds of hours of manual work since I'm not sure I would be able to recreate/reverse-engineer your stroke extractor. In #37 I found your hints as for how to get it working, but I'm still stuck at the same stage as @olivernyc back then:

Screenshot from 2021-02-05 19-59-43

Opening the console will get me this:

Exception in delivering result of invoking 'getNextGlyph': changeGlyph/<@http://localhost:3000/app/app.js?hash=e6316128b50cf4ef466984c5e9ea2f0df7e4a10c:14139:5

I still tried'restore'); as suggested in #37 but it returns undefined. I'm running Fedora and it seems like mongodump and mongorestore are not available for that, might that be the problem?

Also, where would I have to put the .ttf file and what changes would I have to make to get your tool to use the new font as an input?

Your help would be greatly appreciated!

hugolpz commented 3 years ago

@Konstantiin, I think you would gain to joint this sister project, which focuses on locales : . Cc @Parsimonhi

See also