skishore / makemeahanzi

Free, open-source Chinese character data
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The Rest Of the SVG Files #97

Open maxwelldalrymple opened 2 years ago

maxwelldalrymple commented 2 years ago

Hello Fellow Devs,

I was skimming around for an english SVG drawing library. I found your repo and thought maybe I could reverse eng the svg process for english. Anyways thats when I went into the ./svg forder realized that I recognized the file numbering convention right away. This is because I am almost 100% sure that your team used a website called Character Pop []. You noticed, as did I, that they had beautiful svg file on their website. The only right thing to do would be to create a scraping script that would download all the SVG's stored on their website due to their un-unique file naming system. I proved my hypothesis when I compared my file #20506 to yours. It was a perfect match. Anyways the summary of the this story is I scraped an additional 4000+ SVG files then your team has offered in your repo. I am including them in this Issue as well as my source code. [Download link: ] [(Active for 30 days: Nov 7th exp)]

Maxwell DevOps

parsimonhi commented 2 years ago


Many websites use makeahanzi files. The files at probably come from the makemeahanzi project.