skjiisa / WebDAV-Swift

WebDAV communication library for Swift with caching and thumbnail support
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
65 stars 17 forks source link

SSL Error occurred on Synology #46

Open cdebaixo opened 7 months ago

cdebaixo commented 7 months ago

I have installed webDAV in my iOS app so that I can take advantage of the listFiles function it supplies. I am using the following code to achieve this:

public struct SimpleAccount: WebDAVAccount {
    public var username: String?
    public var baseURL: String?

    let username = "userName"
    let password = "password"
    let webDav = WebDAV()
    let baseURL = "http://ServerName:5005/"
    let path = "serverPath"
    let account = SimpleAccount(username: username, baseURL: baseURL)
    webDav.listFiles(atPath: path, account: account, password: password, caching: .requestEvenIfCached) { files, error in
        if let files = files {
        if let error = error {

but I am getting errors. The first error is "An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made". I have tried with https 5006 also without success. Is the problem with Synology or am I missing something in my code? Your help would be much appreciated.

isaced commented 4 months ago

I also encountered the same problem, the reason is that this library will force the use of HTTPS, so the server in the local LAN cannot connect.

This fork may be helpful: