skkwan / phase2-l1Calo-analyzer

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Sanity checks for DigitizedClustersGT and DigitizedCorrelatorTowers #19

Closed skkwan closed 6 months ago

skkwan commented 6 months ago

One event: event 58098 in root://

These are the two gen electrons:

>>> Corrected gen electron pt/eta/phi: (20.7481, -1.31399, -0.228769) to 20.7481, -1.31816, -0.191478 with ecal_pos eta/phi -1.31816, -0.191478
>>> Corrected gen electron pt/eta/phi: (20.7481, 1.31399, 2.91282) to 20.7481, 1.31021, 2.87553 with ecal_pos eta/phi 1.31021, 2.87553

Corresponding to these deltaR matched GCT clusters:

--> Matched GCT cluster 16 eta: -1.31823 phi: -0.200709 with genElectron 20.7481 eta: -1.31816 phi: -0.191478.  iso: 0.09375 et2x5: 9.5 et5x5: 9.5 is_ss: 1 is_looseTkss: 1 is_iso: 1 is_looseTkiso: 1
--> Matched GCT cluster 11 eta: 1.30077 phi: 2.90598 with genElectron 20.7481 eta: 1.31021 phi: 2.87553.  iso: 0.318182 et2x5: 7 et5x5: 7 is_ss: 1 is_looseTkss: 1 is_iso: 1 is_looseTkiso: 1

Which correspond to these two digitized clusters for the GT:

[DigitizedClustersGT]: with pT, eta, phi: 16, -1.31769, -0.200184
[DigitizedClustersGT]: with pT, eta, phi: 11, 1.30005, 2.90536