[x] Check that DigitizedClustersGT has the same pT/ eta/ phi
[x] Go over DigitizedCurrelatorTowers energies again
One event: event 58098 in root://cms-xrd-global.cern.ch///store/mc/Phase2Spring23DIGIRECOMiniAOD/DoubleElectron_FlatPt-1To100-gun/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW-MINIAOD/PU200_Trk1GeV_131X_mcRun4_realistic_v5-v1/30000/0083e06c-959e-4ea5-9190-fd73667fcc00.root
These are the two gen electrons:
>>> Corrected gen electron pt/eta/phi: (20.7481, -1.31399, -0.228769) to 20.7481, -1.31816, -0.191478 with ecal_pos eta/phi -1.31816, -0.191478
>>> Corrected gen electron pt/eta/phi: (20.7481, 1.31399, 2.91282) to 20.7481, 1.31021, 2.87553 with ecal_pos eta/phi 1.31021, 2.87553
Corresponding to these deltaR matched GCT clusters:
has the same pT/ eta/ phiDigitizedCurrelatorTowers
energies againOne event:
event 58098
These are the two gen electrons:
Corresponding to these deltaR matched GCT clusters:
Which correspond to these two digitized clusters for the GT: