[x] Re-organize chapters according to this outline:
The Large Hadron Collider and the CMS Experiment
The Phase-2 Upgrade of CMS
Datasets and MC samples
Object reconstruction and corrections applied
(i) Object reconstruction (taus, muons, electrons, jets, b-tag jets) (formerly Chapter 5)
(ii) Reconstruction of di-tau mass (FastMTT) (formerly Chapter 11)
(iii) Scale factors and corrections applied to simulations (formerly Chapter 8)
Event selection (mutau, etau, emu channels)
Background estimation
Systematic uncertainties
Event categorization and signal extraction
(i) Categorization by b-tag jet multiplicity (formerly Chapter 10)
(ii) Categorization by DNN score (formerly Chapter 10)
(iii) Methodology for signal extraction (formerly Chapter 13)
h->aa results
a1a2 studies
Conclusion and outlook
[x] Combine Chapter 3 and Chapter 4.
[x] Consider combining scale factors and corrections as part of the object descriptions
[x] p. 45 Introduce the tau a bit before specific decay modes.
[x] p. 55 Tau embedding: include graphics.
[x] p. 55: Expand text on tau embedding.
[x] p. 63: Include summary table with cuts.
[x] Define an energy scale correction.
[x] For the datasets section put the plot of total integrated luminosity by year.
[x] B jets -> B-flavored jets.
[x] Change spellings of "flavour" to "flavor" and "colour" to color.
[x] General: check: You should avoid having a section with only one sentence or less of introduction. In general, if you see a paragraph with one sentence, it means more description is useful.
[x] Add conclusion and outlook.
[x] "Results: so in the results section it will be nice if you point out why bbtautau is most sensitive in the mass range > 11 GeV. and why the limits for type 3 is the most stringent."
[x] "Then say that the results are dominated by stat uncertainty, but it provides tighter exclusion limit for B(H->BSM) for particular scenarios."
[x] Fig 14.8 caption needs to be fixed: 34% -> 16%.
[x] "Our numbers for the various scenarios are tighter than 16%, eg type II tanb = 2 plot, the line is below 10% for the most part. now since we are getting tighter limits we can move to testing other models, eg TRSM..."
[x] Add hyperlinks to sections and references.
[x] Ask second reader if they want to see a rougher draft now or wait til I have iterated with Isobel a few more times (circa March 25).
[x] Re-organize chapters according to this outline:
[x] Combine Chapter 3 and Chapter 4.
[x] Consider combining scale factors and corrections as part of the object descriptions
[x] p. 45 Introduce the tau a bit before specific decay modes.
[x] p. 55 Tau embedding: include graphics.
[x] p. 55: Expand text on tau embedding.
[x] p. 63: Include summary table with cuts.
[x] Define an energy scale correction.
[x] For the datasets section put the plot of total integrated luminosity by year.
[x] B jets -> B-flavored jets.
[x] Change spellings of "flavour" to "flavor" and "colour" to color.
[x] General: check: You should avoid having a section with only one sentence or less of introduction. In general, if you see a paragraph with one sentence, it means more description is useful.
[x] Add conclusion and outlook.
[x] "Results: so in the results section it will be nice if you point out why bbtautau is most sensitive in the mass range > 11 GeV. and why the limits for type 3 is the most stringent."
[x] "Then say that the results are dominated by stat uncertainty, but it provides tighter exclusion limit for B(H->BSM) for particular scenarios."
[x] Fig 14.8 caption needs to be fixed: 34% -> 16%.
[x] "Our numbers for the various scenarios are tighter than 16%, eg type II tanb = 2 plot, the line is below 10% for the most part. now since we are getting tighter limits we can move to testing other models, eg TRSM..."
[x] Add hyperlinks to sections and references.
[x] Ask second reader if they want to see a rougher draft now or wait til I have iterated with Isobel a few more times (circa March 25).
[x] Make plan for thesis endorsement.