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ESA Long-term Studies Section Planning Repo
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Meeting notes and to do list ongoing #17

Open kfdavies opened 4 years ago

kfdavies commented 4 years ago

TO DO list

scelmendorf commented 4 years ago

OCT NOTES: What we found out:

  1. We have a listserv on the ESA page.

  2. Sarah found websites with some nice features that we could use as templates. Biogeosciences and Microbial ecology. Ideas to use: 3 static panels (welcome, join the section, connect (twitter, listserv, etc.) Twitter feed down the side. Static info on pages to click through to (see tabs on Biogeosciences and Microbial pgs)

  3. Christie created a beautifully simple form for the student prize.

To do between now and January meeting:

1) Kendi: find out if we can use funds to fund logo prize. Start list of dates on wiki page. 2) Morgan: ask ESA what our budget is and when the website will be moved 3) Each add five data sets to our long-term data list 4) Each tweet once per month about great data sets or papers that use long-term data