skmp / reicast-gamebugs

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Lots of Rez issues on Fire HD 6 #88

Open skmp opened 5 years ago

skmp commented 5 years ago

From @LotadTheGreat on July 7, 2015 5:58

Okay. Rez is a really good (and sadly not very known) game, and it seems to be the only game on this emulator to have multiple bugs/issues. I'll list the ones I've found: ·The effect where it distorts the screen a bit (used whenever you go to the next layer level for a second) or any fading effect has this really glitchy picture filling the screen whenever those effects happen. This is probably the least important bug. ·Lines disappearing. So whenever you have a lot of lines on the screen at once (like the later parts of Area 1-3 and most of Area 4) the lines/wireframes disappear. I have no clue why this is happening, but I'm guessing it's line overload. ·Here's the big one. The game is VERY glitchy in Area 5. Like random flashing blue and white polygon barf, stuttering, and a crash very early in the level. Once you pass through the second Gate of Truth, the game's video stutters, but the audio goes fine (it even receives button input). Sometimes you will get a few seconds of polygon barf. Sometimes you will get normal video for a split second. But either way, it crashes, making the game unbeatable. Which doesn't mean it's the best (which in any other case I would be saying it like that), but that you literally can't beat it.

Here are the logs. I don't know what's in them.

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