sknebel / AutoAuth

AutoAuth is a WIP extension for IndieAuth without the user being present
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Details for private webmentions #15

Open sknebel opened 5 years ago

sknebel commented 5 years ago

I'm considering writing up some suggestions for using AutoAuth in combination with Webmentions.

As far as I remember, previous attempts at private webmentions included an additional parameter in the request (e.g. a short-lived token). AutoAuth does not need this, but would it make sense to add one?

Zegnat commented 5 years ago

I don’t see a direct use-case for it, but I might just be missing something.

+ mentions to endpoints that do not support it could immediately be rejected

But they wouldn’t, right? Webmention receivers simply ignore keys they do not understand, this is how we can progressively enhance with things like Vouch. Including an additional parameter does literally nothing for receivers that do not know AutoAuth, so they are going to do the verification anyway.

So this would only help the very small intersection of webmention receivers that know what this additional parameter means (i.e. they know about AutoAuth) and have not implemented AutoAuth so they know verification is useless.