sknebel / AutoAuth

AutoAuth is a WIP extension for IndieAuth without the user being present
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Include fewer pieces in Access Token Callback? #5

Closed sknebel closed 5 years ago

sknebel commented 5 years ago

Right now it repeats a bunch of information, this maybe should be reduced?

If it is willing to grant the token as requested, it generates a token and sends it to the Callback URL using a POST request. Its parameters are:

  • access_token - the token
  • token_type: Bearer
  • scope - the scopes for which the token was granted (space-separated list)
  • base_uri - the base URI defining the protection space
  • realm - the realm if any
  • state - the state as submitted by the authorization endpoint in the token request

base_uri and realm can probably be removed(?). In IndieAuth, scope is included in the response, does it make sense here?

access_token, token_type and state are definitively staying.

aaronpk commented 5 years ago

In IndieAuth and OAuth, scope is included only if it's different than the scope the client requested. I'd imagine the same would be true here.

sknebel commented 5 years ago

Hadn't realized thats from OAuth, will add that reference then.

I think overriding the base_uri is a bad idea, so it can be removed. realm maybe, but I think I err towards removing it for now too, and potentially adding it back it if a use case comes up?

sknebel commented 5 years ago

I changed the descriptions and removed those for now.