skniro / UsefulFood-Reborn

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Fish 'n' Chips aren't craftable. #3

Closed StupidRepo closed 2 days ago

StupidRepo commented 1 week ago

REI says I can craft Fish 'n' Chips with simply 1x French Fries.


However, when I try this, nothing happens. image

Am I missing something?

(Also, there's a localisation issue. It's spelt Fish n' Chips when it should be Fish 'n' Chips. Note the extra ')

skniro commented 4 days ago

Mod Version?

skniro commented 4 days ago

And i should remove ’ or add '(like 'n'). English isn't my first language, So i need some help.

StupidRepo commented 4 days ago

Hey, the mod version is 1.2.0-1.21-Fabric. I see you have pushed the update fixing this recipe. The correct spelling would be Fish 'n' Chips with just a normal apostrophe (') 😁

skniro commented 2 days ago

Fix in 1.2.2-1.21Fabric/Forge. Thanks your report!

StupidRepo commented 2 days ago

No problem :D