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The subject hierarchy should be clearer #19

Open MarHerUMR opened 4 years ago

MarHerUMR commented 4 years ago

In the subject drop down you have the subjects sorted as the Destatis-Systematik der Fächergruppen, Studienbereiche und Studienfächer. It looks like that the elements on the second level of the hierarchy are slightly indented. I think the interface would improve if you could give an indication on which level every element is. Especially if you scrolled a bit down I find it hard to identify the levels of items.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-01-26 um 14 52 07

Extension Version: 0.0.1 Firefox Version: 72.0.1 OS: macOS

acka47 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the report. You are definitely right that the UI could be clearer here. We will take care of this. @literarymachine, I suggest to increase indentation and add vertical lines for orientation as in

literarymachine commented 4 years ago

The extension actually only wraps, so styles should be fixed here.