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7 add test cases #8

Closed sroertgen closed 11 months ago

sroertgen commented 11 months ago

I added all consistency examples from the SKOS reference as test cases and cleaned up the shape.

To make this work I had to introduce two major changes:

Because of the brevity of the examples reasoning based on the class and property definitions was needed to correctly validate them. E.g. only validates correctly with reasoning applied. So I ended up adding these definitions to the test file during validation. All test cases are now correctly validated.

@nichtich would you mind reviewing?

If this ok, I will start working on #6 and add best practice and SkoHub specific shapes.

sroertgen commented 11 months ago

@nichtich somehow I can't assign you as a reviewer. Maybe I have to add you to the organization?

nichtich commented 11 months ago

Yes, I suppose only members can review. Your changes look good but docker handling is instable (does not run on my machine) because:

Here is a fix:

diff --git a/scripts/validate-skos b/scripts/validate-skos
index f2bd1a9..0a1f9ef 100755
--- a/scripts/validate-skos
+++ b/scripts/validate-skos
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ die() {
 cleanup() {
     rm -f -- $testfile
     rm -f -- $result
-    docker container stop fuseki > /dev/null
+    docker container stop validate-skos-fuseki > /dev/null

 trap cleanup 0 2 3 15 
@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ else

 # Check if the container is running
-if docker ps | grep -q "fuseki"; then
-  docker stop fuseki
+if docker ps | grep -q "validate-skos-fuseki"; then
+  docker stop validate-skos-fuseki
   sleep 1

@@ -94,10 +94,12 @@ attempt=1

 while [ $attempt -le $max_attempts ]; do
   # start fuseki
-  docker run -d --rm --name fuseki -p 3030:3030 -v $(pwd)/fuseki/config_inference.ttl:/fuseki/config_inference.ttl skohub/jena-fuseki:latest /jena-fuseki/fuseki-server --config /fuseki/config_inference.ttl > /dev/null
+  docker run -d --rm --name validate-skos-fuseki -p 0:3030 -v $(pwd)/fuseki/config_inference.ttl:/fuseki/config_inference.ttl skohub/jena-fuseki:latest /jena-fuseki/fuseki-server --config /fuseki/config_inference.ttl > /dev/null
   # echo "Attempt $attempt/$max_attempts"
+  port=$(docker port validate-skos-fuseki 3030/tcp | head -1 | awk -F: '{print $2}')
   sleep $delay
-  curl 'http://localhost:3030/$/ping' > /dev/null && break 
+  curl "http://localhost:$port/$/ping" > /dev/null && break
   # echo "Failed. Fuseki not yet there. Retrying in $delay seconds..."
   attempt=$((attempt + 1))
@@ -109,13 +111,13 @@ fi

 # upload file
 curl --request POST \
-  --url 'http://localhost:3030/dataset/data?graph=default' \
+  --url "http://localhost:$port/dataset/data?graph=default" \
   --header 'Content-Type: text/turtle' \
   --data-binary @$testfile > /dev/null

 # validate w/ shacl
 curl --request POST \
-  --url 'http://localhost:3030/dataset/shacl?graph=default' \
+  --url "http://localhost:$port/dataset/shacl?graph=default" \
   --header 'Content-Type: text/turtle' \
   --data-binary @$shape > "$result" 

Apart from that, starting and stopping a docker container for each run is rather slow but not slow enough to change the code :-)

sroertgen commented 11 months ago


Apart from that, starting and stopping a docker container for each run is rather slow but not slow enough to change the code :-)

Yes, that is also bit bothering me. It might be ok, when only checking one file. It's quite excessive for checking the test cases, though. If a faster and more elegant solution comes to your mind, I'll be happy to hear!