skohub-io / skohub-vocabs

A lightweight tool to publish SKOS Vocabularies
Apache License 2.0
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Match-Elements missing in generated index.json #286

Closed lummerland closed 5 months ago

lummerland commented 6 months ago

While doing tests to prepare a SkoHub upgrade I noticed, that in the generated index.json file there are no more *Match-Elements left. broadMatch, relatedMatch, exactMatch in my case. As example I take

@base <> .
@prefix dct: <>.
@prefix skos: <>.
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix kim: <> .
@prefix gnd: <> .
@prefix gndo: <> .
@prefix wd: <> .

<> a skos:ConceptScheme;
    dct:title "Abschluss"@de;
    dct:title "Graduation"@en;
    dct:description "Eine Wertelliste für schulische und Hochschulabschlüsse. Entstanden im Kontext des OpenEduHub."@de;
    dct:creator "<>" ;
    dct:created "2022-10-11"^^xsd:date;
    dct:modified "2022-10-11"^^xsd:date; 
    dct:license <> ;
    skos:hasTopConcept <ohne_schulabschluss>, <erster_allgemeinbildender_schulabschluss>, <mittlerer_schulabschluss>, 
        <fachhochschulreife>, <fachgebundene_hochschulreife>, <allgemeine_hochschulreife>,
        <bachelor>, <master>, <promotion> .

<ohne_schulabschluss> a skos:Concept ;
    skos:prefLabel "Ohne Schulabschluss"@de ;
    skos:exactMatch kim:cf42a778-3982-4f27-8b9a-92e5875342c0 ;
    skos:topConceptOf <> .


In our current version the generated index.json contains:

            "id": "",
            "prefLabel": {
                "de": "Ohne Schulabschluss"
            "exactMatch": [
                    "id": ""

In the new version it changed to this:

            "id": "",
            "prefLabel": {
                "de": "Ohne Schulabschluss"

Did I miss something ... ?

Thanks & regards!

sroertgen commented 6 months ago

I think they were never present in the original skohub-vocabs versions. ircc we added them to OEH for specific purposes.

You might have to add them somewhere beneath here:


exactMatch {
lummerland commented 6 months ago

Oh, okay. Good to know ;) Thanks, will try that!

sroertgen commented 5 months ago

Will close this for now. Feel free toreopen if it does not work.