skonves / express-http-context

Get and set request-scoped context anywhere
MIT License
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ns active null #26

Open Lukeneo12 opened 5 years ago

Lukeneo12 commented 5 years ago

Hi guys, how are you?

I'm working with your library in micro services. We have a few libraries and we save some data in context but since version 1.1.0 is not saving or getting anything. In Debugging i see that when is trying to validate if namespace exists and is active, active is null. I'm calling middleware when the express server start.


Thanks! Regards!

kouros51 commented 5 years ago

+1 Have the same issue too there is no active ns, so the requestId that I set for every request is undefined when i want to get it, any idea please help us with this issue.

thkorte commented 5 years ago

Same here... It's strange, because I've got the issue only in combination with a route pointing to a passport authentication....

mikemclinn commented 4 years ago

+1 here.. still investigating but I'm using this in a way pretty similar to the examples, and I always see it fail the check.

cupofjoakim commented 4 years ago

Did anyone find a solution?

eteixeira94 commented 4 years ago

Resolution: ` use(...) {

if (! {

  let context = httpContext.ns.createContext();
  httpContext.ns.context = context; = context;


} `

cupofjoakim commented 4 years ago

@eteixeira94 It's nice if that works for you, but we've got an active context before where we set a couple of values. Creating a new context instead does not help us get those previous values.

eteixeira94 commented 4 years ago

@cupofjoakim It makes this instance in the creation of its initial context because this is an express-context bug. This is what I realized in debugging.

eteixeira94 commented 4 years ago

@cupofjoakim, this is only once. It's a hammer hehe

jbaris commented 4 years ago

Same issue here. Solved with @eteixeira94 patch (many thanks!), but should be solved in a better way.

eteixeira94 commented 4 years ago

Same issue here. Solved with @eteixeira94 patch (many thanks!), but should be solved in a better way.

@jbaris, sorry I don't even know if this project is public to send a PR solving this problem, because the bug is internal, as it was urgent I solved it this way.

thsteinmetz commented 4 years ago

@eteixeira94 big things for the patch. Was banging my head against the wall for over an hour on this.

jbaris commented 4 years ago

Sorry. The @eteixeira94 patch solved the issue but give us another issue: for POST requests the context is overrided, causing unexpected behaviours. The issue was solved removing the @eteixeira94 patch and moving the context middleware after the express.json() middleware:

const express = require('express')

const app = express()
app.use('/', routes)

Credits to @ortizman

eteixeira94 commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I'm already using "httpContext.middleware" in the application, but it still has an error.


The error can be simulated when it is necessary to recover a value, for example, in the "beforeInsert" event at the time of the audit. OK? @jbaris

eteixeira94 commented 4 years ago



marcdefaria commented 3 years ago

I have experienced the same issue while working in a microservices environment and using Nodejs.

We have a service-support library which is required as a dependency in all of our Nodejs services. In our NodeJs services, we call an initialisation method present in the service-support library which sets up context/middleware needed by all of our NodeJs services (such as registering with Consul etc.).

I have used the httpContext.middleware function within the service-support library which sets a field in the httpContext on each request (as described in the express-http-context's file). It worked as intended and the fields were set. I could retrieve the set fields within any file that was within the service-support package by requiring 'express-http-context' and then retrieving the set field.

The issue I had was when I required the express-http-context library from the Nodejs service which uses the service-support library. When I attempt to retrieve the set fields from the express-http-context in this context, the active field is undefined (as stated on this tickets title).

This issue only occurs on versions of express-http-context 1.1.0 and above (ie. I do not experience this issue for versions 1.0.4 and below of the express-http-context library).

This commit to the express-http-context is what caused the issue, as instead of an existing namespace being retrieved from the cls-hooked library, a new instance of the namespace is created if the library is required from a separate package.

The fix for this issue, as I see it, would be to change this line of the express-http-context index.js file to:
const ns = cls.getNamespace(nsid) || cls.createNamespace(nsid);

Please could this internal bug be resolved, as I intend to use this library as part of my application. If any other information is required or if I have been unclear, please let me know.


ekeuus commented 3 years ago

I had the same issue and ended up linking the instance from the package being used to make sure that the same instance would be used. I would also be very happy if I could get rid of this hack to make it work.

t-khan-k commented 3 years ago

Got it working after downgrading to 1.0.4

@marcdefaria thanks man. Saved my day

fzn0x commented 2 years ago

Just create a library that's solve this issue.

Edited :

herbertpimentel commented 2 years ago

+1 none of the above help me :/

fzn0x commented 1 year ago

+1 none of the above help me :/

I have update the link to my library :)