skorokithakis / A6lib

An ESP8266/Arduino library for communicating with the A6 GSM module. ⛺
MIT License
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Closed gerri3d closed 6 years ago

gerri3d commented 6 years ago

I wrote that lib in the Arduino IDE. Sending works fine but I can´t receive anything. only gibberish.

Issuing command: AT&F REPLY: OK Reply in 56ms. Reply OK. < OK

Issuing command: ATE0 REPLY: ATE0Å OK Reply in 55ms. Reply OK. <ATE0Å OK

Issuing command: AT+CLIP=1 REPLY: OK ⸮ Reply in 1055ms. Reply OK. < OK ⸮> Issuing command: AT+CMGF=1 REPLY: OK Reply in 55ms. Reply OK. < OK

Issuing command: AT+CNMI=1,0 REPLY: OK Reply in 144ms. Reply OK. < OK

Issuing command: AT+CPMS=ME,ME,ME REPLY: +CPMS: 21,2521,25,1,25 Reply in 202ms. Reply OK. < +CPMS: 21,2521,25,1,25


Issuing command: AT+CSCS="UCS2" REPLY: ⸮OK Reply in 56ms. Reply OK. < ⸮OK

Issuing command: AT+CSDH=1 REPLY: OK Reply in 58ms. Reply OK. < OK

      Waiting for module to be ready...

Issuing command: AT+CMGL="ALL" REPLY: +CMGL:1,"REC READ",+4366306",,"2017/10/16,09:10:01+02",J⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮Z⸮ Reply in 173ms. Reply OK. < +CMGL:1,"REC READ",+4366306800",,"2017/10/16,09:10:01+02",J⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮Z⸮>

Here the code

skorokithakis commented 6 years ago

Yes, the module does that sometimes. I'm afraid you're going to have to keep trying, as it's very finicky.