skoruba / Duende.IdentityServer.Admin

The administration for the Duende IdentityServer and Asp.Net Core Identity ⚡
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Docker Hub - Architecture not amd64 #194

Closed marcantoinecouture closed 4 weeks ago

marcantoinecouture commented 5 months ago

Describe the bug

Previous arch version of images were "linux/amd64". Since 2.0.0, arch is "linux/arm64".

Can you push a "amd64" version of the images?

To Reproduce

See OS/ARCH of last tags.

Relevant parts of the log file


Thank you

skoruba commented 4 months ago

Hi @marcantoinecouture - thanks for letting me know. I built images from my MacBook now. Let me check it.

markogl commented 3 months ago

Any updates about this?

skoruba commented 3 months ago

@markogl - Sorry Marko for delay, I will push it next week, currently I am busy. 👍

skoruba commented 1 month ago

I published new docker images to amd architecture now. please check it, it is new release/2.1.0.

thank you!

marcantoinecouture commented 1 month ago

@skoruba I'll test the images soon. Will you publish arm64 images too?

skoruba commented 1 month ago

No, only amd64, do you need also arm64?

skoruba commented 1 month ago

Hi @marcantoinecouture - I am testing it on my linux server and I am getting this error:

standard_init_linux.go:228: exec user process caused: exec format error

I tried use linux/amd64 as platfrom:

docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64

Any idea how to fix it? Maybe I missed something in DockerFile?


marcantoinecouture commented 1 month ago

Hi @skoruba

I tested on my MacBook Pro (with amd64 images) and I got errors. I compiled the project locally and it works well. Probably emulation errors.

I tested on a Windows 11 VM (WSL2, server on amd64 architecture) with amd64 images from Docker Hub and it works fine.

No, only amd64, do you need also arm64?

I think it's a good idea to push both on Docker Hub. There will be fewer errors with no emulation or need to local compile.

Hi @marcantoinecouture - I am testing it on my linux server and I am getting this error:

standard_init_linux.go:228: exec user process caused: exec format error

I tried use linux/amd64 as platfrom:

docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64

Any idea how to fix it? Maybe I missed something in DockerFile?


Is your Linux server on a ARM? I think I got this error 2 years ago on my MacBook Pro M1 when I launched the project with amd64 images (with no emulation). I don't have a Linux server dev environment (such as Ubuntu Server) to test but I could build one. I already compiled the 2.0.0 version of the project using the --platform="linux/amd64" and it works fine on Linux amd64 VM.

skoruba commented 1 month ago

Hi @marcantoinecouture - can you please help me with this? I struggle with it. :)

marcantoinecouture commented 1 month ago

Hi @skoruba,

Yes, I can help you with this. What is your Linux Server's environment?

skoruba commented 1 month ago

I try this command for getting system architecture - uname -m and I get x86_64.

marcantoinecouture commented 1 month ago

Good, and if you docker image inspect IMAGE_NAME, do you get "Architecture": "amd64" in the JSON file?

skoruba commented 1 month ago

I try this: docker image inspect skoruba/duende-identityserver-admin:2.1.0 and get "Architecture": "amd64", "Os": "linux". Any ideas?

marcantoinecouture commented 1 month ago

That's strange... Which Linux OS you use? I'll build a new dev environment.

skoruba commented 1 month ago

Finally I fixed it. It was incorrectly setup dockerfile unfortunately. I will push new version soon, but in docker hub are images taged as 2.1.0-amd64 👍

marcantoinecouture commented 1 month ago

Hi @skoruba - There's no arm64 version in docker hub. Can you push both under the same 2.1.0 tag?

skoruba commented 1 month ago

Hi @marcantoinecouture - sure, I can do it. so is it possible to generate tag 2.1.0 for both platform?

skoruba commented 4 weeks ago

It is done - please test version 2.2.2.


marcantoinecouture commented 3 weeks ago

It works, thank you!