skoruba / Duende.IdentityServer.Admin

The administration for the Duende IdentityServer and Asp.Net Core Identity ⚡
Apache License 2.0
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Why is identity server issuer localhost? #99

Closed Removable closed 1 year ago

Removable commented 1 year ago

I created my project using Skoruba.Duende.IdentityServer.Admin.Templates and deployed the solution on my server via docker-compose.

But all the addresses in openid-configuration are localhost (I had already set IssuerUri in the environment with docker-compose.yml):


So I want to know if there are any configurations I missed, please help me! Thanks in advance!

Removable commented 1 year ago


Myrdrahl commented 6 months ago

How was this fixed, as we seem to be experiencing the same issue. edit: Not quite acutally.

In the discovery document we have these listings: issuer: jwks_uri: localhost./.well-known/openid-configuration/jwks