skot / ESP-Miner

A bitcoin ASIC miner for the ESP32
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Enhance Modularity for Multidevice Support #239

Open tdb3 opened 1 week ago

tdb3 commented 1 week ago

Currently, ESP-Miner is very focused on Bitaxe hardware. It would be great to implement a set of refactors to ease the integration of other hardware (e.g. non-Bitaxe, Bitaxe-custom hardware, etc.). This could also have the added benefit of scoping functionality in a way that bugs for one type of board are less likely to impact other types (i.e. more scalable support).

These comments are from an OSMU Discord user:

Since clearly the direction this is heading is "centralized" bitaxe-ONLY multi-board support, how does custom boards gets included in the firmware?
Do we need to put up our ADC and other gizmos' libraries and contribute conditional code to the master branch?

Wanted to open this as an Issue first to garner discussion before submitting PRs on this. I'm thinking something along the lines of:

Here's a simple example discussing displays: Currently, the i2c SSD1306 OLED display is supported, and calls in system.c use it. This could be abstracted out to support other displays in general, providing a few simplified well-defined interface methods. For example:


This is just a straightforward application of object-oriented approaches (e.g. inheritance/polymorphism).

system.c could be made agnostic of specific display type (i.e. just call the interface methods on a Display* that is pointing to an SSD1306Display object, which is required to implement or inherit Display's interface). Someone comes along and decides to implement support for a cool eInk display. No problem, create a new child class eInkABC123Display.

More complicated examples would include things like:

We could roll this out gradually in pieces over multiple PRs.

tdb3 commented 1 week ago

We could modularize everything, but we should figure out where to draw the line based on what's reasonable. The repo is named "ESP-Miner". I'm going to assume that for now we want to have the base assumption that we're supporting the ESP32 family of microcontrollers (although currently we're just S3?).

Longer term (over years and beyond), it would be cool to have open source mining software runnable on a plethora of devices. Do this right and we can be the "Linux" of open source mining devices. Base software that enables a diverse world of open source mining devices, and enables products to come to market faster/easier/cheaper (distributing/decentralizing hashrate). One day my heated blanket will keep me warm while mining sats (kidding about this part).

skot commented 1 week ago

I am 100% into this. We are getting outside the "let's just see if this will work" stage and rapidly approaching an unmanageable number of variants, on the Bitaxe alone.

Supporting other Bitcoin mining projects is how we win.