skotz / volcanoes

Prototype for a new board game
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UI enhancement: reset tournament progress bar text as soon as second tournament starts #16

Closed simondorfman closed 5 years ago

simondorfman commented 5 years ago

Current behavior: Given I've run one tournament When I start a second tournament Then the tournament progress bar text says "Tournament finished" (a holdover from the first tournament finishing) 2018-12-28 00_25_27-window When the first game of the second tournament finishes, the progress bar text updates to "1/20 tournament games completed" 2018-12-28 00_29_03-window

Desired behavior: Given I've run one tournament When I start a second tournament Then the tournament progress bar text says "0/20 tournament games completed"

Why make this change?: Because the user might think the second tournament hasn't actually started when it really has. There can be a long delay before the first game completes and the tournament progress bar text updates to "1/20 tournament games completed"

skotz commented 5 years ago

Yeah, the status bar only updates after the first game completes. I can change it to say something immediately after starting a game.