skotz / volcanoes

Prototype for a new board game
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enable running multiple tournaments with different rules #17

Closed simondorfman closed 4 years ago

simondorfman commented 5 years ago

Check out the ruleset analysis in the attached zip.

Go straight to the tournament_analysis.html file to see what I've got so far. And you can view the source R markdown code in the tournament_analysis.Rmd file.

I'd like to run many more tournaments with the 4 different rulesets. Is there a way to help me automate this somehow? It would be great if I could import the 4 rulesets and tell it how many tournaments to run (e.g. 1000 instead of 10) and then just let it run until all are finished.

skotz commented 5 years ago

I suppose you could run several copies of the program, each in it's own folder with it's own rule file. Tournament games are run in parallel using as many threads as it can get from the scheduler, so running too many instances of the game at one time might drastically slow down your computer.

skotz commented 5 years ago

And I love data, so thanks for the analysis!

simondorfman commented 5 years ago

And I love having an awesome prototype that allows me to try out rules ideas with super-fancy-AI doing a lot of the playtesting legwork. So thanks for the rockstar programming!

simondorfman commented 5 years ago

re-ran the tournaments for rules 2-4 because I didn't load the rules changes properly last time. interesting. will dig in more later, but sharing now. will run with many more games. and walk thru some games to see what's going on.

updated analysis:

simondorfman commented 4 years ago

Closing this. I'm running tournaments on different computers. Best to let each computer crunch numbers for just one tournament at a time.