skotz / volcanoes

Prototype for a new board game
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UI enhancement: black background and arrows connecting triangles #19

Open simondorfman opened 5 years ago

simondorfman commented 5 years ago

very rough mockup:


skotz commented 5 years ago

You can play around with the colors a bit by exporting the theme from the debug menu. The changes should appear immediately upon saving the file without having to reload.

Also, I just put rotation buttons on the screen, so I'll need to find a clean way to add these arrows so they're not overlapping.

simondorfman commented 4 years ago

How do you get the debug menu again?

I had an idea for a faux-3d background. Here's a very rough mockup of the general idea:


It's not what I want exactly, but something kinda like that. Something that tricks your eye into thinking the space between N02 & N03 is a receding 3D parallax thing, making it obvious that N02 & N03 are right next to each other on the front-most plane.