skotz / volcanoes

Prototype for a new board game
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tournament output enhancement idea: add PossibleMovesCount column #20

Closed simondorfman closed 4 years ago

simondorfman commented 5 years ago

I'm interested in knowing how many possible choices a player has on each turn. With the current rules, on the first turn, a player picks from 80 spots to play on. As soon as they play, the next player only has 79 possible spots to play on.

I'm interested in adding a column to the tournament output that shows this number.

Like the Transcript column shows this: 18C 3A G 15A 2C G...

Maybe this new PossibleMovesCount column could look like this: 80 79 G 78 78 G...

Why? It will help with evaluating the rules changes. Go has many moves at the beginning and few at the end. Chess has few at the beginning, more in the middle, I'm not sure after that. Chase has fewer at the end. This will help me calibrate the feel for how "brain-burny" the game is.

simondorfman commented 4 years ago

I'm not interested in this feature anymore. The rules I'm currently exploring make this seem less important.