skotz / volcanoes

Prototype for a new board game
4 stars 1 forks source link

new volcanoes don't grow on spaces where a stagnant volcano was destroyed #45

Closed simondorfman closed 3 years ago

simondorfman commented 4 years ago

steps to reproduce:

  1. download and unzip
  2. download and unzip this file into the Volcanoes-v0.4.3 folder:
  3. copy this game history to the clipboard: S34 N34 G S36 N24 G S21 N26 G N25 S22 G S22+ N33 G S24 S23 G S23+ S25 G S24 S35 G S37 N32 G N31 S38 G S39 N27 G S36 S40 G N30 N28 G S22 N29 G N31 N29 G S38
  4. Open Volcanoes.exe
  5. Control-V to load the game from the clipboard
  6. go backward in the game with the left arrow until you get to turn number 33. Then right-arrow forward and observe S36 being played, but then not growing on subsequent growth turns.


2020-02-23 11_53_15-Volcanoes
simondorfman commented 3 years ago

I was just trying to reproduce this bug. I was able to reproduce with the latest Release from Feb 1. But when I run the latest code, the bug is gone. You already fixed it with this commit:

Now that I have Visual Studio Community installed and can run from the latest code, without relying on you to generate an executable, this is basically solved. So I'm closing this bug. And now I'll get back to testing with lots of simulations.