skotz / volcanoes

Prototype for a new board game
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Enable playtesters to submit their games to me #51

Open simondorfman opened 3 years ago

simondorfman commented 3 years ago

I'd like playtesters to be able to easily submit their games to me so I can see what kinds of games people are playing. I'm especially interested to see if the tie-breaker rule is ever invoked. How long the games are. That kind of stuff.

Maybe a google spreadsheet would be a good way to do it. Then, I wouldn't need to host anything to receive the feedback, just set up a google spreadsheet.

Googling, I found this .NET quickstart for the sheets API:

Would also need to come up with some sort of UI asking the user if they want to submit their games to me.

simondorfman commented 3 years ago

I’m thinking I might try setting up something like this to receive the data:

Might be overkill, but I’m interested in trying it out.