skpang / Teensy_40_NMEA2000_wind_and_temperature_480x320_LCD

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perpetual reboot #2

Open tsgouros opened 1 week ago

tsgouros commented 1 week ago

Hi: I am modifying your code for a depth sounder and it seems like it might work, but it's gotten into a perpetual reboot cycle, where it reboots every 10 seconds or so. When it's not receiving NMEA2k packets, it looks like this:

Teensy 4.0 NMEA2000 display 12/20, modded 7/24
CAN device ready
Running...::begin 20025298 255 255 255
ILI9488_t3::begin - End
Teensy 4.0 NMEA2000 display 12/20, modded 7/24

When the device is receiving messages, it displays ok, but still reboots constantly. I was googling the problem and discovered that you had seen something similar, though I think the fix you found was already in the code that I used. The unmodified code works fine, and I imagine I did something bad when rewriting your Wind() function but I don't know what. Did you discover any more about the issue?

tsgouros commented 1 week ago

I think the reboot is because there is a memory issue of some kind in the touchpad driver function my_touchpad_read(). This makes the program fail and the watchdog timer reboots everything on an 8 second delay. I have not debugged the driver yet, but commenting out the lines in skp_lvgl.cpp where the driver is declared and registered seems to have stopped the reboot cycle. Find my version at