skratchdot / react-bootstrap-daterangepicker

A date/time picker for react (using bootstrap). This is a react wrapper around the bootstrap-daterangepicker project.
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Timepicker dropdowns don't work in modal popup #204

Open rujoota opened 5 years ago

rujoota commented 5 years ago

The dropdowns for time selections(including seconds) are not working in a modal popup, they just won't stay open....they quickly open and close not allowing to do any selections.....while its working perfectly fine on a normal page.

Here is the code, I am trying to use in a popup(I am using blueprintjs for modal popup)

<DateRangePicker startDate={dateOptions.startDate} endDate={dateOptions.startDate}
                maxDate={dateOptions.maxDate} minDate={dateOptions.minDate}
                showCustomRangeLabel={false} locale={dateOptions.locale}
                autoUpdateInput={true} timePicker={true} timePicker24Hour={true} timePickerSeconds={true} drops={'up'} parentEl='.parentDivOfModalPopup' >
                <input readOnly={true}
                    className={'some-input-class'} />
madhu131313 commented 5 years ago

I too am facing the same issue for singe date picker month and year dropdown

MimiLau commented 4 years ago

Same,, seems no solution yet

madhu131313 commented 4 years ago

I solved for my case, it's strange how it works and don't understand why it works. Here is how it worked for me

  1. In the parent modal where I used DateRangePicker I removed tabIndex attribute
    if (document.querySelectorAll('[role="dialog"]')[0]) {

It should work.

In other case I had to the following for the bootstrap modal I am using.

    ) {
      document.querySelectorAll('[role="dialog"]')[0].style.overflowY =
skratchdot commented 4 years ago

closing this due to inactivity. please re-open if this is still an issue in v6.0.0 or greater

floriancargoet commented 4 years ago

@skratchdot I still have the issue with 6.0.0. Removing the tabIndex attribute still works though.

skratchdot commented 4 years ago

The time drowdowns from this example appears to work:

Do you have example code that exhibits the issue? Can you put it on (or somewhere that it is viewable?

floriancargoet commented 4 years ago

Your example is incorrect since the bug only occurs when the datepicker is in a modal. I'll try to put an example online later today.

skratchdot commented 4 years ago

Okay- I thought that might be the case! I should add some react-bootstrap examples to the storybook if that's what everyone is using. react-bootstrap-daterangepicker is a "weird" lib b/c it tries to be a simple/dumb wrapper around the upstream lib.

Are you using:

Or is it some other lib / way of using bootstrap w/ react?

floriancargoet commented 4 years ago

Yes, I am using React Bootstrap's Modal.

floriancargoet commented 4 years ago

Here's a minimal example:

floriancargoet commented 4 years ago

And here's one of the many issues upstream: Maybe the only thing to do is to recommend a workaround in the documentation. Removing the tabIndex attribute works, I'll need to try the other solution (specifying the correct parentEl element).

skratchdot commented 4 years ago

that makes sense. thank you for the links and examples!

floriancargoet commented 4 years ago

I tried the parentEl solution, it works but there's a caveat: if the modal is not wide enough, the calendars will stack vertically.

floriancargoet commented 4 years ago

OK, instead of giving the modal element as parentEl, we can give the parent of the modal (which fills the body) and there will be enough room.

<Modal className="unique-class">
    <DateRangePicker initialSettings={{ parentEl: ".unique-class" }} />

I'd prefer to use an id but the id prop on Modal is not set on the element we want to target:

  class="fade unique-class modal show"                    // <= className goes here :-)
  style="display: block;"
  <div id="my-id" role="document" class="modal-dialog">   // <= id goes here :-(
    <div class="modal-content">
      <div class="modal-header">
skratchdot commented 4 years ago

awesome! thanks for sharing this info @floriancargoet!

favger commented 3 years ago

@madhu131313 thanks for the inspiration.

I automated this problem this way;

    const dateRangePickerRef = useRef();

    ** NOTE: "Timepicker dropdowns don't work in modal popup"
    ** Bug Github Example:
    useEffect(() => {
        const modalEl = KTUtil.parents(dateRangePickerRef.current.ref, ".modal[role='dialog']");

    }, [dateRangePickerRef]);

favger commented 3 years ago

Hello again,

It also happens if you give this feature to the modal in this way.

import { Modal } from "react-bootstrap";

UsamaSarfaraz0 commented 2 years ago

I am facing the same issue