skroonenburg / Appfail-JavaScript

Appfail JavaScript Reporting Module
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Nail the namespacing both here and for the appfail overlay #13

Closed taitems closed 12 years ago

taitems commented 12 years ago

We have to get the two working in unison, ideally in any order as well. Include the overlay before or after the reporting module.

Current namespacing has a clunky if, this is cleaner:

window.myApp = window.myApp || {};

taitems commented 12 years ago

Namespacing in my fork is cleaned up, will need to be done separately in the overlay branch when you get time Sam.

skroonenburg commented 12 years ago

Done in overlay now. They both use the appfail root namespace. appfail.overlay and appfail.reporting. Cheers!