skrul / greasefire

Greasefire is a browser extension for Firefox and Chrome that finds relevant userscripts from for the pages you visit.
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Update not working #70

Open lastmoexit opened 12 years ago

lastmoexit commented 12 years ago

returns "Error updating: status = 0x804b001e http = null"

frog23 commented 12 years ago

This is due to the fact that the server is not available anymore. @skrul: can you take care of this? Or should somebody else set up a new server for distributing the index packages?

skrul commented 12 years ago

It would be great if someone would like to take the hosting over and I'm happy to help get that set up. All it requires is to run a java program on a daily basis and also hosts a PHP script that helps the extension find the latest version of the index.

beckyeeky commented 12 years ago

How much date quota per month are there as per your experience? And Would you please post a guide to set the host up and provide an update that enables script index url customization?

Pxlnight13 commented 12 years ago

Perhaps will help out. I'd appreciate if we can get the ball rolling on this. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know.

frog23 commented 12 years ago

I am going to host the index files on my server. I am currently still working on getting everything set up. However since is currently down (further details see here: ), it is not possible to download the latest scripts and build a current index. I have however still an index I build on 2012-07-31, so it is at least possible to get a somewhat more current version. But with still down, it gets quite a pain to use Greasefire. I will post the new update URL here within the next days, so stay tuned. This way you can test it by adding the new updateURL manually (using this feature: #63) before it can be put in the code and shipped with the next version of the addon. I am also using this as an opportunity to add a few bug fixes and features to the index building, like ignoring scripts with to wide includes (issue #44), ignoring scripts that are not used anymore (issue #72) and other issues, that are not listed as bugs here. I hope we can get Greasefire working again soon. Lets just hope gets fixed soon as well (is anybody of you in contact with the USO guys, other than through the forum?). Bye Frog23

Pxlnight13 commented 12 years ago

That's very encouraging! I wish I could do more to help, but I haven't had any contact with the USO guys. Not for lack of trying, but they are just hard to get a hold of so far. I'll see what I can do.

Glad to finally see some movement on this. -Pxlnight13

frog23 commented 12 years ago

OK, my server is working now. To test it, you can point your update-URLs to For that do the following steps,

As I said before, this is the version from 31. July 2012. I will publish new versions, as soon as gets back online. Though I am not sure on what intervals I am going to use. I might start with weekly updates and see how this goes, before I switch to daily updates.

If nobody is having any problems with updating and as soon as is working again, this update URL can be added to the next version of the addon. @erikvold: can you take care of this? I hope this helps getting Greasefire back on track. Bye Frog23

skrul commented 12 years ago

@frog23 thank you for doing this! I'm sorry I don't have the time to maintain this anymore.

As for, you may want to try replacing the URLs in this file:

with just and it might just work.

bimzcy commented 12 years ago

@frog23 thank you for your update and @skrul thank you for your guide. I just use frog23's index_2012-07-31T12-00-00Z.jar, decompess to\indexes folder, and modify the chrome\content\picker.js in, change the URL of const US_BASE to and now the Greasefire works like charming.Please Keep updating, I'm supporting you frog23.

skyp1 commented 12 years ago

Dear Frog23 I use your sever but still cannot update( greasefire1.0.4.4 and FireFox3.6.28 )

frog23 commented 12 years ago

@skyp1 : You need version 1.0.8 of Greasefire in order to use the greasefire.update_url in about:config. Before that the updateURL was hardcoded within the addon. Besides that, you should really update your Firefox. Version 3.6 is not supported anymore and has been without security fixed since April.

@skrul and @bimzcy : I know that I could just use the regular URL of but I still refrain from doing that, as this would change the download statistics of the scripts. From the version changes for Greasefire 1.0.4: "Use for interaction with us.o to make it easier for the us.o folks to track usage." This is a way of using us.o that doesn't scale, especially when all the Greasefire users also use the regular URL for viewing the source of a script. So lets just hope the greasefire sub domain gets back online quickly.

frog23 commented 12 years ago is working again and so I was able to update the index. This time I as able to also test the code to exclude scripts that don't exist anymore (see #72). Please test it and report any problems. If no problems occur, I think we should include the new updateURL in the addon. @erikvold : what do you think?

kasper93 commented 11 years ago

@frog23 I have a problem with updating on Aurora. Error updating: Not enough arguments [nsIWebBrowserPersist.saveURI] I found this, it's fixed, but greasefire doesn't work...

Your index is great sadly greasefire is dead and it seems no one going to run this project :<

Vampire commented 11 years ago

@kasper93 In Marti gives a version of Greasefire where this issue is fixed in his comment written "Jan 14, 2013 11:31am"

@frog23 With using the version of Marti I just referred to, the updating works, but Greasfire says it has 77441 scripts and says the index is created "Fr 25 Jan 2013 08:13:21 CET", but says there are currently 96970 scripts. I doubt there were that much new scripts in the last two days, so I guess something with the index building is not working correctly. Also, will the fix of Marti and your update URL be integrated in the official Greasefire download? It is a very bad user experience and makes it look dead. :-(

kasper93 commented 11 years ago

@Vampire Thanks for the info. About scripts count, everything is working fine. Global scripts are filtered to show only scripts matching current website and not show junk scripts :) See:

Vampire commented 11 years ago

Hm, so there are 20000 Scripts that run for every page? And you really consider all those junk scripts? There could well be useful scripts that match every page, e. g. some script that adds a "Share with " to each link on each page, or whatever else. :-/ Maybe those global scripts should be shown in a tab separated from the site specific scripts. :-)

frog23 commented 11 years ago

@Vampire: As @kasper93 has pointed out: not all of the scripts are included. But there are also other reasons why some scripts are excluded. As I have pointed out: I modified the code for downloading the scripts and generating the index a bit, to also fix some other issues. For instance, I am not only filtering the scripts by the list of disallowed include patters, but I also use a Regular Expression to dismiss scripts that are to wide, as described here: issue 44. Also I remove deleted scripts (see #72, though I am not sure how is counting these). Just to give you some rough estimates based on the scripts from last Friday: I have 90500 scripts on my disk (the deleted ones are already removed at that point) of which around 1000 are removed because the script doesn't have an @name tag, 4400 because they have no @include tags specified and 8700 because they are use disallowed patterns. There are scripts that fall into two or all three of these categories which is why all the three numbers combined are more than the gap of round 13000 (90500-77500). But it can give you a rough feeling on why scripts are filtered out. To see why any particular script is not included, have a look at this list: (caution: very large HTML page and partially NSFW). Here your find all the blocked scripts with their names, descriptions, ids, and includes. The includes that cause the script to be blocked are marked in bold.

I agree with you that there are a lot of useful scripts out there that run on every page. I myself am using some of them. However displaying those scripts is not the purpose of Greasefire, because they would be listed on each page and thereby burring the scripts that are useful for that specific page. If the background of the grease-monkey lights up in yellow and red, it is telling the user: Somebody has made a script to enhance that particular page that you are on. This information however is only worth something if the icon doesn't light up on every page. I hope you now understand why scripts that run on every page are not included in the index. It's not because they are junk, it's because they would diminish one of the key advantages of greasefire. If you still think greasefire would benefit from an index that includes all of these scripts, that's ok as well. You can just build your own index and thanks to the possibility of adjusting the updateURL manually (#63) others who think so as well, can use your index as well. Feel free to contact me, of you want to have the code with all the modifications I made (I haven't published it yet, sorry about that) or if you have any other questions.

About your question regarding a new version of greasefire which fixes the current update bug and which has my updateURL as the default: I am only the person who provides the index, I don't have any rights on that repository or the account. Fixing this is up to @skrul and @erikvold , unfortunately I haven't heard from any of them since Steves comment from last august.
I hope this answers your questions. Cheers, Frog23

P.S. @kasper93 : By the way: thanks for pointing out the error initially and sorry that I haven't responded to you. I was to quite busy and also there was nothing I could do, for the above stated reasons.

Vampire commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the explanation @frog23. :-) I agree that a monkey on fire on every page is not very useful. What do you think about making the "Scripts for ..." popup tabbed, one tab for site specific scripts, one tab for global scripts. The monkey will only be on fire if there are site specific scripts, but you can still look what global scripts are available. When opening the "Scripts for ..." popup, the site specific tab should be the default if any are present, if only global ones are present, this tab should be the default. So basically you would provide either two indices, or maybe better one index with an additional property for a script saying whether it should show in the one or the other tab.

Btw. my monkey doesn't get highlighted in the addressbar. :-( On Ubuntu with 18.0 "Build-Identifikator: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0" it works fine, but on Windows with 18.0.1 "Build-Identifikator: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0" it doesn't work. If I place the monkey in the bottom add-on bar, it gets highlighted, in the addressbar it doesn't work. :-( Is that any known issue?

skrul commented 11 years ago

@frog23 I'm happy to provide access if you want to help maintain this. can you send me your email address and I can set you up? not sure what is the best way to exchange email addresses, you can follow me on twitter @skrul and I can DM mine :)

alexolog commented 11 years ago

So, is there a chance for Greasefire to be maintained again?

alexolog commented 11 years ago

The index is not updating since Feb 1.

kasper93 commented 11 years ago

Indeed. @frog23 Could you check your server when you have time?

frog23 commented 11 years ago

Hey everybody, sorry I haven't replied earlier. It has been quite a busy time for me in the past weeks. @alexolog : Thanks for pointing that out. The new index is currently generated, as I write this and should become available in the next hour or so. @skrul : Thank you very much for the offer of giving me access to the repository. I have thought about this quite thoroughly and can to the conclusion that I am not going take care of the Addon itself. I neither have the time nor the skills to take care of the fixes of the addon and I assume that I will not be able to respond to future bugs within a reasonable amount of time (as you can see with the delay of this post to your initial message). However I still have all the changes I did to the part of the code that downloads the scripts and generates the index and I would like to contribute those changes back in the repository here. Also I could imagine myself doing a few more things here at github, like managing tickets (like closing old ones), handling merge requests etc. Sorry that I can not step in and take care of the addon itself, but I do not want to get the addon working for now and then be unresponsive once the next issue shows up. I wish I had better news. Cheers, Frog23

alexolog commented 11 years ago

Sorry that I can not step in and take care of the addon itself, but I do not want to get the addon working for now and then be unresponsive once the next issue shows up.

Here's a suggestion: Send your fixes to @skrul, who would update the Mozilla page with the new version and change the description to say that a new maintainer is needed for the add-on.

This will take care of the short and (hopefully) long term.

tony1223 commented 11 years ago

If that's a indexing issue or a server issue , I could help to do some bug fixing or debug job if you need, I am no longer to have time on developing new feature but I think it's still ok for me to do some routine job.

Let me know if there's anything I could work for this. :)

2013/2/16 alexolog

Sorry that I can not step in and take care of the addon itself, but I do not want to get the addon working for now and then be unresponsive once the next issue shows up.

Here's a suggestion: Send your fixes to @skrul, who would update the Mozilla page with the new version and change the description to say that a new maintainer is needed for the add-on.

This will take care of the short and (hopefully) long term.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

frog23 commented 11 years ago

Send your fixes to @skrul, who would update the Mozilla page with the new version and change the description to say that a new maintainer is needed for the add-on.

@alexolog I think you misunderstood me. I did not do any modifications to the addon. They where done by @Martii (or Marti on, see the this post). All my changes have to do with the Java code for generating the index. So they don't help for the current issue. Despite this, I like the idea of publishing a temporarily fixed version and post a message, that a maintainer for the addon is needed. Cheers Frog23

alexolog commented 11 years ago

Update not working again

frog23 commented 11 years ago

@alexolog : I am assuming, you are using my update-url/index. I had some issues in the past week with building the index and I am not quite sure what caused them, however I got it to work again and the latest index should be 2013-05-29. I just checked: the server is up and running and I was able to download the most recent file with GF without any problems. Could you specify what precisely the problem was? Maybe this was just a temporary problem with the connectivity or something. Or is there anybody else who is experiencing the problem as well? Cheers Frog23

alexolog commented 11 years ago

The first error that I got was due to an API change. Changing line 240 of gfUpdaterService.js to add a dummy privacy context seems to have solved it: self._wbp.saveURI(uri, null, null, null, headers, self._dest, null);

However, now I get "Error updating: status=0x804b001e http=null"

Is there an updated version that I should be using?

Martii commented 11 years ago

@alexolog and cc: @frog23 I usually don't comment directly here since it's editable by the maintainers... but the fix you mentioned is the one that I resolved a while back. If you are using the AMO release or this projects build then it won't work. Erik pushed some of my code changes a few days ago (28th to be exact) so you may be seeing an update at some point to GF... however until then you probably need the XPI build referenced up there or more currently specific here

Current retrieved index is May 29, 2013 with 84762 script count


jean commented 10 years ago

Just installed (1.0.8), update fails with Error updating: Not enough arguments [nsIWebBrowserPersist.saveURI] on Firefox 24

Martii commented 10 years ago

jean wrote: Just installed (1.0.8), update fails with Error updating: Not enough arguments [nsIWebBrowserPersist.saveURI] on Firefox 24.

See my comment above. :)

alexolog commented 10 years ago

Still no news on further development, I trust?

Martii commented 10 years ago

Still no news on further development, I trust?

Nope... but I have been observing one of the maintainers activities for a while. It might be some time before he graces GF with his presence. In the meantime, in a couple of days hopefully, I'll be releasing another prc with some fixes. All the prior prc's will be eventually removed from my repository when this is published.

cengique commented 10 years ago

For your convenience, Martii's latest version is available for download here:

I can confirm that it just got a recent (March 14, 2014) update on FF 27 in Linux.

MysteryIII commented 10 years ago

Is it possible to make Greasefire compatible with I already asked the Administrator and he agrees to make the necessary changes on his page if somebody would tell him what is necessary. How is it? I really would love to see Greasefire working with Greasyfork!