skshetry / webdav4

WebDAV client library with a fsspec based filesystem and a CLI.
MIT License
61 stars 17 forks source link

Several test failures #174

Closed musicinmybrain closed 2 months ago

musicinmybrain commented 6 months ago

I’m trying to package release 0.9.8 for Fedora Linux, and I’m encountering several test failures, all of which I am able to reproduce in a plain virtualenv with current main, 4c2046e2250f001bdad76541c0e877e4b40c332e.

$ python3 -V
Python 3.12.2
$ python3 -m venv _e
$ . _e/bin/activate
(_e) $ pip install -e '.[tests,all]'
(_e) $ python -m pytest -v
============================================== short test summary info ===============================================
SKIPPED [1] tests/ the test server does not work without content-length :(
FAILED tests/ - AssertionError: assert {'/data/./bar.../foo': b'foo'} == {'/data/bar':.../foo': b'foo'}
FAILED tests/ - AssertionError: assert {'data': {'': 'foo'}}} == {'data': {'foo': 'foo'}}
FAILED tests/ - AssertionError: assert False
FAILED tests/ - AssertionError: assert {'dir': {'ips...m': 'lorem'}}} == {'dir': {'ips...em': 'lorem'}}
FAILED tests/ - FileNotFoundError: /data/.
FAILED tests/ - AssertionError: assert {Row(date='-'... isdir=False)} == {Row(date='-'... isdir=False)}
============================== 6 failed, 330 passed, 1 skipped, 2621 warnings in 9.60s ===============================

I will post the full output from pytest -vv for these six failures in a comment.

I haven’t tried to dig into the root causes. Is there something that needs to be updated for current dependency versions?

musicinmybrain commented 6 months ago
====================================================== FAILURES ======================================================
____________________________________________________ test_cp_cli _____________________________________________________
[gw9] linux -- Python 3.12.2 /home/ben/src/forks/webdav4/_e/bin/python

storage_dir = TmpDir('/tmp/pytest-of-ben/pytest-3/popen-gw9/webdav0')
monkeypatch = <_pytest.monkeypatch.MonkeyPatch object at 0x7fad7e42e810>

    def test_cp_cli(storage_dir: TmpDir, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch):
        """Test cp command."""
        memfs = MemoryFileSystem()

        memfs.pipe({"data1/foo": b"foo", "data1/bar": b"bar"})

        ns = Namespace(
            path1="memory://data1", path2="memory://data2", recursive=False
        CommandCopy(ns, memfs).run()

        assert"data1", recursive=True, on_error="ignore") == {
            "/data1/bar": b"bar",
            "/data1/foo": b"foo",
>       assert memfs.isdir("data2")
E       AssertionError: assert False
E        +  where False = <bound method AbstractFileSystem.isdir of <tests.test_cli.MemoryFileSystem object at 0x7fad7e42e7e0>>('data2')
E        +    where <bound method AbstractFileSystem.isdir of <tests.test_cli.MemoryFileSystem object at 0x7fad7e42e7e0>> = <tests.test_cli.MemoryFileSystem object at 0x7fad7e42e7e0>.isdir

tests/ AssertionError
___________________________________________ test_sync_cli_local_to_remote ____________________________________________
[gw6] linux -- Python 3.12.2 /home/ben/src/forks/webdav4/_e/bin/python

storage_dir = TmpDir('/tmp/pytest-of-ben/pytest-3/popen-gw6/webdav0')
monkeypatch = <_pytest.monkeypatch.MonkeyPatch object at 0x7f5dd695a9f0>

    def test_sync_cli_local_to_remote(
        storage_dir: TmpDir, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch
        """Test syncing between local to remote filesystem."""
        storage_dir.gen({"data": {"foo": "foo"}})
        memfs = MemoryFileSystem()

        ns = Namespace(path1="data", path2="memory://data", delete=False)

        cmd = CommandSync(ns, memfs)
        assert"data", True, "ignore") == {"/data/foo": b"foo"}

        (storage_dir / "data" / "bar").write_text("bar")
>       assert"data", True, "ignore") == {
            "/data/foo": b"foo",
            "/data/bar": b"bar",
E       AssertionError: assert {'/data/./bar': b'bar', '/data/./foo': b'foo', '/data/bar': b'bar', '/data/foo': b'foo'} == {'/data/foo': b'foo', '/data/bar': b'bar'}
E         Common items:
E         {'/data/bar': b'bar', '/data/foo': b'foo'}
E         Left contains 2 more items:
E         {'/data/./bar': b'bar', '/data/./foo': b'foo'}
E         Full diff:
E           {
E         +     '/data/./bar': b'bar',
E         +     '/data/./foo': b'foo',
E               '/data/bar': b'bar',
E               '/data/foo': b'foo',
E           }

/home/ben/src/forks/webdav4/tests/ AssertionError
------------------------------------------------ Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------
copy: /tmp/pytest-of-ben/pytest-3/popen-gw6/webdav0/data to /data
copy: /tmp/pytest-of-ben/pytest-3/popen-gw6/webdav0/data/. to /data/.
copy: /tmp/pytest-of-ben/pytest-3/popen-gw6/webdav0/data/bar to /data/bar
_____________________________________________ test_sync_remote_to_local ______________________________________________
[gw6] linux -- Python 3.12.2 /home/ben/src/forks/webdav4/_e/bin/python

storage_dir = TmpDir('/tmp/pytest-of-ben/pytest-3/popen-gw6/webdav1')
monkeypatch = <_pytest.monkeypatch.MonkeyPatch object at 0x7f5dd67ad2b0>

    def test_sync_remote_to_local(storage_dir: TmpDir, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch):
        """Test syncing between remote to local filesystem."""
        memfs = MemoryFileSystem()
        memfs.pipe({"data/foo": b"foo"})

        ns = Namespace(path1="memory://data", path2="data", delete=False)

        cmd = CommandSync(ns, memfs)
>       assert == {"data": {"foo": "foo"}}
E       AssertionError: assert {'data': {'data': {'foo': 'foo'}}} == {'data': {'foo': 'foo'}}
E         Differing items:
E         {'data': {'data': {'foo': 'foo'}}} != {'data': {'foo': 'foo'}}
E         Full diff:
E           {
E               'data': {
E         +         'data': {
E         -         'foo': 'foo',
E         +             'foo': 'foo',
E         ? ++++
E         +         },
E               },
E           }

/home/ben/src/forks/webdav4/tests/ AssertionError
------------------------------------------------ Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------
copy: /data to /tmp/pytest-of-ben/pytest-3/popen-gw6/webdav1/data
____________________________________________________ test_mv_cli _____________________________________________________
[gw9] linux -- Python 3.12.2 /home/ben/src/forks/webdav4/_e/bin/python

storage_dir = TmpDir('/tmp/pytest-of-ben/pytest-3/popen-gw9/webdav1')
monkeypatch = <_pytest.monkeypatch.MonkeyPatch object at 0x7fad7e42e570>

    def test_mv_cli(storage_dir: TmpDir, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch):
        """Test mv command."""
        memfs = MemoryFileSystem()

        memfs.pipe({"data1/foo": b"foo", "data1/bar": b"bar"})

        ns = Namespace(
            path1="memory://data1", path2="memory://data2", recursive=True
        CommandMove(ns, memfs).run()
        assert not memfs.isdir("data1")
        assert"data2", recursive=True, on_error="ignore") == {
            "/data2/bar": b"bar",
            "/data2/foo": b"foo",
        assert memfs.isdir("data2")

        ns = Namespace(
        CommandMove(ns, memfs).run()
        assert memfs.cat_file("data2/foobar") == b"foo"
        assert not memfs.exists("memory://data2/foo")


        d = {"lorem": "lorem", "ipsum": "ipsum"}
        storage_dir.gen({"dir": d})
        ns = Namespace(path1="dir", path2="memory://dir", recursive=True)
        CommandMove(ns, memfs).run()
        assert"dir", True, "ignore") == {
            "/dir/ipsum": b"ipsum",
            "/dir/lorem": b"lorem",

        ns = Namespace(path1="memory://dir", path2="dir2", recursive=True)
        CommandMove(ns, memfs).run()
>       assert == {"dir": d, "dir2": d}
E       AssertionError: assert {'dir': {'lorem': 'lorem', 'ipsum': 'ipsum'}, 'dir2': {'dir': {'ipsum': 'ipsum', 'lorem': 'lorem'}}} == {'dir': {'lorem': 'lorem', 'ipsum': 'ipsum'}, 'dir2': {'lorem': 'lorem', 'ipsum': 'ipsum'}}
E         Common items:
E         {'dir': {'ipsum': 'ipsum', 'lorem': 'lorem'}}
E         Differing items:
E         {'dir2': {'dir': {'ipsum': 'ipsum', 'lorem': 'lorem'}}} != {'dir2': {'ipsum': 'ipsum', 'lorem': 'lorem'}}
E         Full diff:
E           {
E               'dir': {
E                   'ipsum': 'ipsum',
E                   'lorem': 'lorem',
E               },
E               'dir2': {
E         +         'dir': {
E         -         'ipsum': 'ipsum',
E         +             'ipsum': 'ipsum',
E         ? ++++
E         -         'lorem': 'lorem',
E         +             'lorem': 'lorem',
E         ? ++++
E         +         },
E               },
E           }

/home/ben/src/forks/webdav4/tests/ AssertionError
____________________________________________________ test_ls_cli _____________________________________________________
[gw9] linux -- Python 3.12.2 /home/ben/src/forks/webdav4/_e/bin/python

capsys = <_pytest.capture.CaptureFixture object at 0x7fad7e499910>

    def test_ls_cli(capsys: CaptureFixture):
        """Test ls command."""
        mfs = MemoryFileSystem()

                "data/foo": b"foo",
                "data/bar": b"bar",
                "dir/nested/foo": b"dirfoo" * 1000,

        ns = Namespace(path="data", recursive=False, level=None, full_path=False)
>       assert set(CommandLS(ns, mfs).ls()) == {
            Row("-", Size("3"), "foo"),
            Row("-", Size("3"), "bar"),
E       AssertionError: assert {Row(date='-', size=Size(nbytes='0', suff=''), file='data', isdir=True), Row(date='-', size=Size(nbytes='3', suff=''), file='foo', isdir=False), Row(date='-', size=Size(nbytes='3', suff=''), file='bar', isdir=False)} == {Row(date='-', size=Size(nbytes='3', suff=''), file='bar', isdir=False), Row(date='-', size=Size(nbytes='3', suff=''), file='foo', isdir=False)}
E         Extra items in the left set:
E         Row(date='-', size=Size(nbytes='0', suff=''), file='data', isdir=True)
E         Full diff:
E           {
E         +     Row(date='-', size=Size(nbytes='0', suff=''), file='data', isdir=True),
E               Row(date='-', size=Size(nbytes='3', suff=''), file='bar', isdir=False),
E               Row(date='-', size=Size(nbytes='3', suff=''), file='foo', isdir=False),
E           }

tests/ AssertionError
_____________________________________________ test_sync_remote_to_remote _____________________________________________
[gw6] linux -- Python 3.12.2 /home/ben/src/forks/webdav4/_e/bin/python

    def test_sync_remote_to_remote():
        """Test syncing between remote to remote filesystem."""
        memfs = MemoryFileSystem()

        memfs.pipe({"data/foo": b"foo"})

        ns = Namespace(path1="memory://data", path2="memory://data2", delete=False)

        cmd = CommandSync(ns, memfs)
        assert"data2", True, "ignore") == {"/data2/foo": b"foo"}

        memfs.pipe({"data/bar": b"bar"})

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
src/webdav4/ in run
    return self.sync(src, dest, src_fs, dest_fs)
src/webdav4/ in sync
    self.sync(new_src, new_dest, src_fs, dest_fs)
src/webdav4/ in sync
    details_src =
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <tests.test_cli.MemoryFileSystem object at 0x7f5dd67addc0>, path = '/data/.', kwargs = {}

    def info(self, path, **kwargs):
        path = self._strip_protocol(path)
        if path in self.pseudo_dirs or any(
            p.startswith(path + "/") for p in list( + self.pseudo_dirs
            return {
                "name": path,
                "size": 0,
                "type": "directory",
        elif path in
            filelike =[path]
            return {
                "name": path,
                "size": filelike.size,
                "type": "file",
                "created": getattr(filelike, "created", None),
>           raise FileNotFoundError(path)
E           FileNotFoundError: /data/.

_e/lib64/python3.12/site-packages/fsspec/implementations/ FileNotFoundError
------------------------------------------------ Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------
copy: /data to /data2
skshetry commented 6 months ago

There were some changes in MemoryFileSystem in fsspec that are breaking cli tests.

I'll try to look at it over the weekend. Thank you for creating this issue.

musicinmybrain commented 6 months ago

Thanks! Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.

musicinmybrain commented 5 months ago

I was looking back over the Snakemake 8 plugins that I haven’t yet packaged for Fedora, and noticed I still need webdav4 in order to package

Did you happen to have any luck looking into the fsspec changes?

I suppose that I could package the webdav4 library without the dav command-line tool for now, since it looks like any issues are contained to the CLI…

FelixSchwarz commented 2 months ago

Hi Ben, did you submit a review request? I'm interested in a Fedora package as well - though the cli might important for some of my use cases.

musicinmybrain commented 2 months ago

Hi Ben, did you submit a review request? I'm interested in a Fedora package as well - though the cli might important for some of my use cases.

I was going to submit one without the CLI (since I am not comfortable supporting a package that seems like it might not work correctly). It hadn’t bubbled up to the top of my list, but since it might be useful to you, I can double-check my spec file and submit it within the next few days.

FelixSchwarz commented 2 months ago

It hadn’t bubbled up to the top of my list, but since it might be useful to you, I can double-check my spec file and submit it within the next few days.

Thanks - but you don't have to rush it. We are currently installing webdav4 with pip but a Fedora/EPEL rpm would be nice of course. Feel free to cc me in the review request, I can to review it if you like (FAS: fschwarz).

skshetry commented 2 months ago

Fixed by #170.

musicinmybrain commented 2 months ago

Thanks! #170, as released in 0.10.0, does seem to work for me.