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sktime "fork" - what is happening, rumour/misinformation debunk #45

Open fkiraly opened 1 year ago

fkiraly commented 1 year ago

sktime "fork" - what is happening, rumour/misinformation debunk

Explainer for the sktime community fork.

Various narratives are circulating, and with it a number of rumours (or fake news).

This is an attempt to summarize the situation and provide some fact-based debunk.

what is happening

fork = attempt by a few actors in one academic network to take control of sktime assets, while keeping appearances of an "open" community.

Relevant key points of the story below.

Recommended way to read: first without following links, until appendix; then re-read and check links for matching facts.



key parties involved

original project:

the fork:

Rumour/misinformation fact checker

Summary of common pieces of misinformation circulating. Detail fact check in the next section.

Misinformation Reality
1. NumFOCUS supports the fork! See this letter of NumFOCUS ! The letter only refers to escalating conflict which is correct (see above). If NumFOCUS were supporting either side, they would have said it. Rather, it's a "solve your problems yourselves" message.
2. The fork has a diverse cast of developers! Developers in the fork are almost all tied to UEA, a UK university (and/or the taxpayer funded money pot under their control).
3. The fork has all the important developers! The fork has none of the release managers or architects. The majority of the developers in the fork did not make substantial code or non-code contributions over the last year; some mostly contributed on political GitHub issues or trolling. Patterns of actual contributions by forkers are mostly single-issue (e.g., favourite algos).
4. The fork wants to create a better open source community! Inconsistent with past behaviour: mobbing off contributors; politicizing technical issues; vehement resistance to financial transparency and accountability - see examples in appendix

Appendix: fact check details

1. NumFOCUS stance

Reading the actual letter carefully should debunk the claim.

2. fork developers

Fact: almost all linked to UEA, directly or via grant money pot

UEA grant link - academics

UEA grant link - commercial

compare the above with the public grant page, it lists:

other, or indirect link

3. Developer capacity

Summary of contributions in last year (as of Mar 2022 - Feb 2023)

"low code contribution capacity" can be gleaned from public GitHub profiles.

The majority (not all) of forkers have an "inactive" profile, or participate mainly in "political drama" mode. The rest have a single- or few-issue profile.

GitHub names: tonybagnall, patrickzib, guzalbulatova, lmmentel, aiwalter, ltsaprounis, chrisholder, matthewmiddlehurst

(of course, there is increased activity right now for appearances sake)

Lack of non-code contributions can be gleaned from:

4. the forkers' history of non-collaborative behaviour and bad governance

mobbing off contributors - hcrystalball

Context on mobbing off contributors:

in hindsight, this could be seen as a form of covert bullying and pushing off productive contributors

politicizing technical issues - numba

Context on politicizing technical issues

This came only a few weeks before the NumFOCUS charity incorporation deadline (early Dec 2022), for "sponsored status".

Despite the heat, the governance rules were respected in the end - numba did not become soft dep, python 3.11 support was delayed, despite python 3.11 being one of the most popualr user requests at the time.

The forkers could not make a claim that sktime governance rules were disrespected, while the NumFOCUS deadline was only days away.

The forkers then proceeded to escalate further by attacking governance directly, via "governance breakdown" claims, with coordinated multiple complaints sent to NumFOCUS leadership.

This is also extremely curious as two of the forkers at the time (aiwalter, guzalbulatova) were on the leadership committee that they were accusing of breaking down.

resistance to financial transparency

Context on resistance to financial transparency and accountability

More generally, Tony Bagnall, while treasurer, pushed away from public budget reporting:

astrojuanlu commented 1 year ago

Thank you for collecting this information @fkiraly

ViktorKaz commented 1 year ago

It is really sad to read all of this. I have not been an active contributor to the project for quite a while but I can definitely testify that sktime is the brainchild of @fkiraly. Back in 2018 he set up the initial team of developers and invited Tony Bagnall to join the project.

In my personal opinion, sktime became a successful project mainly due to the efforts and knowledge of @fkiraly and @mloning.

As I wrote, I have not been an active contributor for a number of years and I cannot know what caused this fallout. However, it does seem quite unfair to me that, based on the post above, Tony Bagnall is essentially trying to steal the idea of @fkiraly and capitalise on it.

In addition to this, sabotaging the NumFOCUS application and stealing the sktime digital assets, if true, does appear to be quite insidious.

I do hope that the sktime project will continue.