sktime / mentoring

sktime mentorship program
20 stars 6 forks source link

[MENTEE] Luis Zugasti #6

Open luiszugasti opened 3 years ago

luiszugasti commented 3 years ago

Mentee: Luis Zugasti - He/Him/His, Software Developer at Epic, @mojocarro on Twitter, Currently working with sktime under @mloning's leadership and MLH!

Mentor(s): @mloning from sktime and @uhbuhb from MLH

Why did you join sktime's mentorship program? Intrigued by the toolkit. Interesting problem space. I have some experience in ML too so I figured this would be a good project to work on.

What topics are you working on? Open:


What are your learning goals?

What's next for you after the mentorship program? Probably will continue contributing to the repo, the community here is super welcoming and I want to keep being a part of that in whatever way I can. Professionally, work towards becoming a better software engineer.