skulpt / skulpt

Skulpt is a Javascript implementation of the Python programming language
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Finish #695

Open eah13 opened 7 years ago

eah13 commented 7 years ago

Based on a large volume of user requests, we're considering a push to give much greater coverage of Processing's python mode.

As a review: Processing is a Java-based visual programming toolset for making animations, designed for teaching/learning. C-style syntax sucks, so there's a Python mode that is essentially a Python to Java transpiler that exposes the base language's capabilities via Python syntax. None of this works on the web but thanks to Atwood's law there's a JS project that attempts to replicate it. Brad put it into Skulpt because it's a great teaching tool.

Brad's original implementation takes the right approach, I think, of wrapping processing.js in Skulpt (which is of course the analog to what the original Python mode does anyways). If we completed this work, coverage would then theoretically be equivalent to processing.js's, which is everything not listed in red here I think. The supported processing.js version could also bump from 1.4.4 to 1.4.8.

Aside: There's a newer JS based project, p5.js, but it's probably a worse choice since its goal is not to replicate Processing's capabilities and there's no standard Python mode.

So, the basic plan is to finish what Brad started with a goal of full coverage of whatever the Venn diagram of processing.js and Python's Processing mode is.

For discussion:

Various processing issues that may be addressed directly or rendered moot with a rewrite (from a simple search of open issues - I didn't check to see if they've been fixed but not closed):






swirly commented 3 years ago

Hello I don't know if this issue is still revelant. was made exclusively for python 2 and will not be ported to python 3, due to it's underlying conception with jython.

p5.js is something marvelous. It's inspired by processing and not a derivative work but a real new implementation. The ressources are very large. The coding train is a top educative ressource for example

p5py is the actual python 3 implementation of a python processing clone. It is in active developpement (for exemple, a new syntax on coordinates to implement compatibility has been recently commited). Just use it with pip install p5 :)

It's not always easy to use p5py because of the underlying libglfw library.

p5py could be (imho) translated directly to p5js in order to have p5py in skulpt

Graphic animations are always great to motivate pupils. I use skulpt to teach, but being limited to turtle is a real pain. Previously, I was using p5js in browser and the pupils were amazed. The wow effect was great.

Porting p5 to skulpt would help spread python

s-cork commented 3 years ago

I was working on the ffi ideas #1191 And I've come up with a way to proxy arbirtrary js objects.

Which means skulpt's implementation of p5 could be as simple as

function $builtinmodule() {
    return {
        __name__: new Sk.builtin.str("p5"),
        p5: Sk.ffi.remapToPy(window.p5),
        __doc__: new Sk.builtin.str("A skulpt implementation of the p5 library"),

and then it should 🤞 just work

from p5 import p5

p = p5()

canvas = p.createCanvas(700, 410)

def draw():


Screen Shot 2020-10-20 at 12 05 23

It also means that things like the document implementation can be changed to something like

function $builtinmodule () {
    return {
        __name__: new Sk.builtin.str("document"),
        document: Sk.ffi.remapToPy(window.document),
        jQuery: Sk.ffi.remapToPy(window.jQuery),

And then they just work as expected!

Screen Shot 2020-10-20 at 12 13 20

s-cork commented 3 years ago

and here's a gist of a skulpt version of a p5 example

albertjan commented 3 years ago

Oh hey before you spend too much time on you should have a look at:

swirly commented 3 years ago

and here's a gist of a skulpt version of a p5 example

HEY ! But this is a real marvel ! When this get to works, I wanna be a beta tester 👍 This would be a real game changer for my courses, where I have to run partly in the browser, and partly in IDE.

swirly commented 3 years ago

I was working on the ffi ideas #1191 And I've come up with a way to proxy arbirtrary js objects.

Which means skulpt's implementation of p5 could be as simple as

function $builtinmodule() {
    return {
        __name__: new Sk.builtin.str("p5"),
        p5: Sk.ffi.remapToPy(window.p5),
        __doc__: new Sk.builtin.str("A skulpt implementation of the p5 library"),

and then it should 🤞 just work

from p5 import p5

p = p5()

canvas = p.createCanvas(700, 410)

def draw():


Screen Shot 2020-10-20 at 12 05 23

It also means that things like the document implementation can be changed to something like

function $builtinmodule () {
    return {
        __name__: new Sk.builtin.str("document"),
        document: Sk.ffi.remapToPy(window.document),
        jQuery: Sk.ffi.remapToPy(window.jQuery),

And then they just work as expected!

Screen Shot 2020-10-20 at 12 13 20

@s-cork , can you tell me how to use your code ? I've tried to include your code in my js script

function $builtinmodule() {
    return {
        __name__: new Sk.builtin.str("p5"),
        p5: Sk.ffi.remapToPy(window.p5),
        __doc__: new Sk.builtin.str("A skulpt implementation of the p5 library"),

But then, it does not work Where have I to include this code ? Any help would be greatly appreciated

s-cork commented 3 years ago

1191 is just a draft and does not work as a standalone branch - I presented it there as just the ffi change ideas.

The above code extracts won't work on current versions of skulpt and I wouldn't recommend using my draft branch in production!

If you want to hack around feel free to use this branch but it's just proof of concept more than anything else. You'd have to clone that branch and build it to get the min.js file and include it in your project.

swirly commented 3 years ago

Interesting proof of concept indeed. Do you have in mind to make it soon a reality ? Any schedule about this ? I have to admit it's above my current level to help design this code, but I would gladly be a tester and report as far as I can

nickmcintyre commented 3 years ago

Hello! I've started adapting the existing processing module to work with p5.js over in this fork. The approach seems pretty straightforward thus far, and I think I'll have something practical by the end of the week.

My niche use case is teaching computational thinking in my high school school math classes. I plan to convert the coordinate system to a right-handed one (i.e., Quadrant I) in addition to some other modifications, but I'd love to help with a standard p5 module if y'all think it would be useful.

Curious what @GoToLoop and @tabreturn think.

tabreturn commented 3 years ago

Hey, @nickmcintyre --

This looks interesting! Thanks for the ping. Please let me/us know when you've got something together. Will you host it somewhere?

nickmcintyre commented 3 years ago

@tabreturn here are a couple of quick 2D and 3D examples on Glitch. I believe achieving parity with Skulpt's processing module will come quickly.

I've been waiting to attempt this for a few months. Pyodide start up time has been a real pain point for my students on Chromebooks, and Brython error messages are non-existent. Skulpt seems perfect for our needs, so I plan to switch the Computiful Editor over in the coming days.

tabreturn commented 3 years ago

Nice work, @nickmcintyre!

I noticed that writing something like a square() function with no arguments now produces a useful error message in the console: p5.js says: square() was expecting at least 3 arguments...