For the second step of integrating loading old data into the application the popup menu : Load old data will be integrated.
A concrete description of this menu can be found in the Omni-Product-Vision document v2.0.0.
The menu opens when the user clicks the "load old data" button.
The menu contains multiple input fields stacked vertically, with one by default, but more can be added using an adjacent "+" button. Each input field has a "Browse" button next to it, which opens the file browser when clicked. From the file browser, the user can load an old .csv file. If the user selects a file that is not a .csv, a popup window with the message "Incorrect file format" will appear.
An picture of the intended menu can be found underneath.
For the second step of integrating loading old data into the application the popup menu : Load old data will be integrated.
A concrete description of this menu can be found in the Omni-Product-Vision document v2.0.0.
The menu opens when the user clicks the "load old data" button.
The menu contains multiple input fields stacked vertically, with one by default, but more can be added using an adjacent "+" button. Each input field has a "Browse" button next to it, which opens the file browser when clicked. From the file browser, the user can load an old .csv file. If the user selects a file that is not a .csv, a popup window with the message "Incorrect file format" will appear.
An picture of the intended menu can be found underneath.