Closed NP199 closed 3 months ago
Testing the Application:
Case 1: OmnAIScope without calibration, signal generator frequency: 1 Hz
The time is set correctly, the Unit for the y-axis is ADC Counts as expected. I read that ADC Counts could only be positiv values, what is the reason that in this case the ADC Counts are also negative?
Case 2: Calibrated Scope, signal generator frequenz: 1 Hz, Amplitude: 5 V
The Voltage is right, as well as the frequency
Case 3: Calibrated Scope and not calibrated scope are connected at the same time :
As expected two different axis are shown. One for the ADC Counts and one for the voltage. The values are correct.
Calibrated values are shown but not saved correctly:
This should be fixed in another PR, as it is a seperate problem.
My signal generator settings for the first screenshot was: Wave : SINE FREQ: 20 KHZ AMPL: 2.5 V OFFS: 1.6 V DUTY: 50 % - no action PHAS: 90.9 " What are your full settings - like above - for your first two screenshots, please? (In order to reproduce those outputs)
For the first screenshot they were:
Wave: SINE Freq: 1 Hz Ampl: 5 V Offset : 0 V Duty: 50 % Phas: 0
For the second they were :
Wave: Rectangular Freq: 1 Hz Ampl: 5 V Offset: 0 Duty: 50 % Phas: 0
The branch doesn't compile on my system. Not sure how it passed the CI tests. Some of the errors:
None of the master or this branch version produced the first screenshot output using the settings above on my system. Not sure what version you've used for that.
The branch doesn't compile on my system. Not sure how it passed the CI tests. Some of the errors:
None of the master or this branch version produced the first screenshot output using the settings above on my system. Not sure what version you've used for that.
Which version of the omnai_communication repo did you use ?
Compiled the project then switched to that branch and compiled it too. The errors are valid because I already spotted them when reading part of the changes made into that branch.
Compiled the project then switched to that branch and compiled it too. The errors are valid because I already spotted them when reading part of the changes made into that branch.
Which branch of the omnai_communication repo did you use as a submodule for this branch ?
Compiled the OmniView repo for that branch. Don't see a specific way of compiling the branch mentioned somewhere.
Compiled the OmniView repo for that branch. Don't see a specific way of compiling the branch mentioned somewhere.
You need to use the np/calibration branch of the communication repo to build the project. I think NP forgot to mention that in the description of the PR. It normally should switch when you are using: git submodule update --init --recursive while being in the PR branch
Compiled the branch. The outputs using the signal generator settings above: Wave: Sine
Wave: Rect
In this pull request, the goal was to support two features.