skunkforce / OmniView

This Repository contains the OmniView Software, which is used in the AW4null Research Projects
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Bug: Visibility of the legend #105

Closed AKMaily closed 2 weeks ago

AKMaily commented 2 months ago

The legend in the PlotRegion is to dark. A picture how the legend should look like can be found below. In the legend the names of the devices should be displayed with their corresponding color. legend

DanielNowak98 commented 1 month ago

The issue lies in the fact that the legend color depends on the PopupBg color, which is set to this value by default. As seen in the ImPlot documentation:


A workaround needs to be developed since ImPlot does not provide an API for it.

DanielNowak98 commented 1 month ago

If the value is slightly mitigated, all other popup windows in this location are also affected. Personally, I find it easier to read here as well.


DanielNowak98 commented 1 month ago

If the value is slightly mitigated, all other popup windows in this location are also affected. Personally, I find it easier to read here as well.


@AKMaily , what do you think?

AKMaily commented 1 month ago

I think we can find a solution for this with the PopColor() and PushColor() functions, so it does not affect every other popupwindow. Maybe we can talk about this in tomorrows meeting.

DanielNowak98 commented 1 month ago

The issue lies in the fact that the legend color depends on the PopupBg color, which is set to this value by default. As seen in the ImPlot documentation:


A workaround needs to be developed since ImPlot does not provide an API for it.

I have added style changes for the legend. However, due to the color alteration, the labels of the individual scopes are hardly readable. Therefore, I have temporarily made them white. The color can still be changed. Furthermore, I have changed the location of the legend. It is now positioned in the top right corner, reducing the risk of covering parts of the plot.


DanielNowak98 commented 2 weeks ago