skupperproject / skupper-cli

A command-line tool for setting up and managing Skupper installations
Apache License 2.0
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Distinguishing between "hubs" and "edges" #1

Closed bhardesty closed 4 years ago

bhardesty commented 5 years ago

I think the skupper CLI should more explicitly distinguish between "hub" and "edge" installations. One possibility would be to add a --type option. For example:

skupper init --type hub ... or skupper init --type edge ...


grs commented 5 years ago

A suggestion from @ssorj on this was to default to hub, and have --edge by an advanced option that you would only use when you had 'lots' of skupper instances to connect (where 'lots' is certainly 100s but possibly even lower numbers). That also nicely avoids the naming issues around hub. Does it work for you?

bhardesty commented 5 years ago

Yes, that does make a lot of sense.