skupperproject / skupper-docker

A command-line tool for setting up and managing Skupper docker installations
Apache License 2.0
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Arm Support #5

Open dmc5179 opened 4 years ago

dmc5179 commented 4 years ago

I'd like to try to use skupper on edge devices like the Raspberry pi 4 or a Jetson Nano (What I'm using now)

skupper-docker-controller has an arm based image these 2 do not:

Where does the skupper-docker-proxy-controller image come from? What repo?

ajssmith commented 4 years ago

@dmc5179 The skupper-docker-controller is a rename of skupper-docker-proxy-controller that was part of PR #2. I missed updating the controller image name in the skupper init. I will make the update to fix that.

In the meantime, you can override the image via the "PROXY_CONTROLLER_IMAGE" env variable if you would like to try it.

I am not sure what the status is for having an arm based image for the qdrouterd, I will ask the qdr developers.

Thanks for checking out skupper-docker and appreciate your observations and feedbac.

ajssmith commented 4 years ago

It is now updated to use the skupper-docker-controller image...