skupperproject / skupper

Skupper is an implementation of a Virtual Application Network, enabling rich hybrid cloud communication.
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Console cann't be configured after init #1175

Open rbaumgar opened 1 year ago

rbaumgar commented 1 year ago

I started with an init, later I sent a second init with enable-onsole, but console is not available.

$ skupper init 
Skupper is now installed in namespace 'west'.  Use 'skupper status' to get more information.

$ skupper init --enable-console --enable-flow-collector --console-auth openshift
Secret already exists:  skupper-local-server
Secret already exists:  skupper-local-client
Secret already exists:  skupper-service-client
Secret already exists:  skupper-site-server
Secret already exists:  skupper-claims-server
Skupper is now installed in namespace 'west'.  Use 'skupper status' to get more information.

$ skupper status
Skupper is enabled for namespace "west" in interior mode. It is not connected to any other sites. It has no exposed services.

$ skupper version
client version                 1.4.1
transport version     (sha256:0d207c60a150)
controller version    (sha256:38de27dbae9f)
config-sync version   (sha256:2c0820947577)
flow-collector version         not-found

I would expect that I can enable and disable console at any time.

grs commented 1 year ago

I agree that is a reasonable expectation and one that we want to meet. It doesn't yet work like that unfortunately but fixing this is on our list of important tasks.