skupperproject / skupper

Skupper is an implementation of a Virtual Application Network, enabling rich hybrid cloud communication.
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Gateways are not shown on console, network status #1426

Open hash-d opened 5 months ago

hash-d commented 5 months ago

Describe the bug

A skupper gateway is not represented on the console or on the output of skupper network status.

How To Reproduce

Expected behavior

I'd expect the gateway routers to be represented on the output.

Even skupper network status -v shows no references to them, though #1350 gives me the impression they should.

The services can be exposed using the gateway, both ways; the services will appear on the output of service status and on the console. On the console, though, no site will be associated with them.

Environment details

Additional context

I'm not sure what is the expected behavior in this case. However, as I did not see any documentation otherwise, I would have expected the gateways to be present on these VAN representations.

ajssmith commented 5 months ago

As the gateway does not have a controller such as k8s and podman sites, the collector infers the presence of a gateway by detecting traffic that the gateway is a participant in. Did you run any traffic over the services? We probably should release note this behavior.

hash-d commented 5 months ago

@ajssmith, yes no traffic. With traffic added, the topology shows the single site pointing to itself, and a new site-clients component is shown on the Processes and Components tab; skupper network status -v remains unchanged.

The gateway service still shows no server associated to them, though, or metrics.

hash-d commented 5 months ago

skupper network status -v still have no reference to the gateway, though:

$ skupper network status -v
╰─ [local] dd99b65f-954b-4faf-af12-e6568f39dce6(dh-gw) 
   │ namespace: dh-gw
   │ site name: dh-gw
   │ version: 1.5.3-rh-1
   ╰─ Routers:
      ╰─ name: dh-gw-skupper-router-84c6c47586-8xzlb
         image name: skupper-router
nluaces commented 4 months ago

hi @hash-d could you provide the content of the skupper network status config map at that point?

hash-d commented 4 months ago

@nluaces, there you go:

$ oc get cm skupper-network-status -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
  NetworkStatus: '{"addresses":[{"recType":"ADDRESS","identity":"c8fe88e3-4053-4289-b91b-9d2727945a2e","startTime":1714156153930650,"endTime":0,"name":"asdf:8080","protocol":"tcp","listenerCount":1,"connectorCount":1}],"siteStatus":[{"site":{"recType":"SITE","identity":"4d851b5e-bdad-40e3-9e07-b57d8671b715","startTime":1714155892000000,"endTime":0,"source":"4d851b5e-bdad-40e3-9e07-b57d8671b715","platform":"kubernetes","name":"dh-asdf","nameSpace":"dh-asdf","siteVersion":"1.5.3-rh-1","policy":"disabled"},"routerStatus":[{"router":{"recType":"ROUTER","identity":"2qncv:0","parent":"4d851b5e-bdad-40e3-9e07-b57d8671b715","startTime":1714155911445549,"endTime":0,"source":"2qncv:0","name":"0/dh-asdf-skupper-router-d97c9f46f-2qncv","namespace":"dh-asdf","imageName":"skupper-router","imageVersion":"","hostname":"skupper-router-d97c9f46f-2qncv","buildVersion":"2.5.1-rh-2"},"links":null,"listeners":[{"recType":"LISTENER","identity":"2qncv:1","parent":"2qncv:0","startTime":1714156153930650,"endTime":0,"source":"2qncv:0","name":"asdf:8080","destHost":"","destPort":"1024","protocol":"tcp","address":"asdf:8080","addressId":"c8fe88e3-4053-4289-b91b-9d2727945a2e"}],"connectors":null}]}]}'
kind: ConfigMap
  creationTimestamp: "2024-04-26T18:25:15Z"
  - apiVersion: v1
    fieldsType: FieldsV1
        .: {}
        f:NetworkStatus: {}
          .: {}
          k:{"uid":"2e86f516-a571-4f4e-9bd1-ff5e8aa0dd65"}: {}
    manager: config-sync
    operation: Update
    time: "2024-04-26T18:29:26Z"
  name: skupper-network-status
  namespace: dh-asdf
  - apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: skupper-router
    uid: 2e86f516-a571-4f4e-9bd1-ff5e8aa0dd65
  resourceVersion: "58259235"
  uid: 87b3fef6-4b45-4336-ae88-74ee943e69c7
hash-d commented 4 months ago

@nluaces, and no changes to the map after I run some traffic through the service