skupperproject / skupper

Skupper is an implementation of a Virtual Application Network, enabling rich hybrid cloud communication.
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Skupper in Production? #487

Open RajKuni opened 3 years ago

RajKuni commented 3 years ago


I've been using Skupper in a dev environment to connect services in multiple clusters. It works great and was super easy to setup. So I'm really interested in using this in a production environment. Is it safe to use Skupper in production? Can it handle production volume traffic?

Also, does a helm chart exist for skupper? And is it possible to run multiple replicas of the skupper router in a cluster for redundancy/high-availability?

Thank you!

ted-ross commented 3 years ago

On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 5:21 PM RajKuni @.***> wrote:


I've been using Skupper in a dev environment to connect services in multiple clusters. It works great and was super easy to setup. So I'm really interested in using this in a production environment. Is it safe to use Skupper in production? Can it handle production volume traffic?

I'm very glad to hear that you've had a good experience with Skupper so far. The router that is the foundation on which Skupper is built has been used in production environments for years. Skupper is, or will very soon be, supported commercially for production use by a large corporation (IBM/Red Hat) and a startup (

Also, does a helm chart exist for skupper? And is it possible to run multiple replicas of the skupper router in a cluster for redundancy?

I'm not aware of there being a Helm chart for Skupper. Multiple router replicas are not presently supported by Skupper but this is a roadmap feature that will be coming in the future.


Thank you!

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RajKuni commented 3 years ago

Do you think it would be possible to create my own helm chart using the output that the skupper utility generates? (does the utility have a dry-run flag that just prints out all the yaml?)

Is it possible to generate my own TLS certs and have the skupper instances use that? (To more easily keep track of certs).

How do we upgrade existing skupper instances? Will whatever configuration they have (connections to peers, currently used certs) persist upon upgrade?

Also, I did try creating a helm chart with the YAML files that define a site controller:

But anytime I changed the config and rolled out the updated yaml, the changes did not get reflected (e.g. On first deploy I set console to "true", on second rollout, I set console to "false". The console service does not get deleted to reflect this change).

grs commented 3 years ago

Do you think it would be possible to create my own helm chart using the output that the skupper utility generates? (does the utility have a dry-run flag that just prints out all the yaml?)

No, there is no dry-run mode. The primary issue there is that when using a loadbalancer service, skupper init waits for the IP/hostname to be written into the status before generating the certs as those certs need to be valid for that IP/hostname.

You could however replace skupper init (or use of site controller) by manually created yaml.

Is it possible to generate my own TLS certs and have the skupper instances use that? (To more easily keep track of certs).

Not when using skupper init. If manually creating the appropriate yaml then the certs would be part of that.

How do we upgrade existing skupper instances? Will whatever configuration they have (connections to peers, currently used certs) persist upon upgrade?

You can use the skupper update command (which will update to e the cli version). If using the sitecontroller, you can just update the version of the site controller and it will then try to update the sites.

Also, I did try creating a helm chart with the YAML files that define a site controller:

But anytime I changed the config and rolled out the updated yaml, the changes did not get reflected (e.g. On first deploy I set console to "true", on second rollout, I set console to "false". The console service does not get deleted to reflect this change).

At present not all (in fact most) options can be dynamically updated. That is on the roadmap but we haven't got there yet. The options that will be updated are router-logging and router-debug-mode at present.

RajKuni commented 3 years ago

Okay, I see. Thank you.

ted-ross commented 3 years ago


Would you be willing to share a little bit about your use case? What is it you wish to accomplish with a Helm chart? What is the scale and speed of your application?

Thanks, -Ted email:

RajKuni commented 3 years ago

We have pipelines that deploy applications and related resources to GKE clusters via helm charts. It would be nice to fit Skupper under the same umbrella. Having everything defined in code as yaml also makes it easy to replicate config in multiple clusters and if we ever run into a disaster recovery scenario, we just need to run the helm chart to bring everything back up to the way it was before.

As for high availability, it would be nice to run atleast two skupper router instances per cluster so that if one pod goes down, the link is still maintained. Also, GKE does cluster auto-upgrades. The upgrade happens by introducing a new node into the cluster and then draining an old node. In this scenario, with the use of pod anti-affinity which will ensure pods are scheduled on different nodes , having multiple instances helps w/ maintaining uptime.

Regarding scale and speed of our application/platform - currently getting around 30 requests/sec at peak and try to serve requests within ~200-300 ms. The amount of requests we serve is going up pretty fast as we grow.

sahil87 commented 2 years ago

Even we used Skupper in production. But GKE auto-upgrades/maintenance brought skupper status down twice.

Is there any way Skupper could reconnect using a long lived token, maybe configured via ConfigMap instead of command line- so even if nodes get deleted and recreated by GKE (or any other managed K8S service), Skupper comes back online on its own?

grs commented 2 years ago

Have you seen It may help in part. However it depends on what exactly happened in your scenario. Links should be automatically re-established even when lost. If using a load-balancer service and the ip of that changes, that would prevent further reconnection without upating to the new address. Not sure if that might have been your issue or not?

waldner commented 1 year ago

Is there any news on this issue, especially the helm chart? Most software is deployed with helm charts nowadays, and having an official skupper chart would really help, especially in those situations where skupper is installed as part of a larger product/deployment, and could be used as a subchart.

emlagowski commented 9 months ago

I'm also interest in helm chart or dry-run option to create helm chart. All our deployments / infra / tools are installed on clusters via GitOps and git repositories with helm charts. Installing anything via command line is strongly unwanted on production. Maybe is there any manifest with all CRDs etc. that could be used to install Skupper from yaml file? I can go further with it.

DreamingRaven commented 1 month ago

I too would be interested in a helm chart for skupper. I also note that there is a skupper-operator which may make it easier to create a helm chart for skupper through the operator to handle the nitty gritty details. Ideally without having to interact with the OLM which itself does not have a packaged helm chart but does have