skvadrik / re2c

Lexer generator for C, C++, Go and Rust.
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Add syntax files to simplify porting re2c to new languages. #450

Open skvadrik opened 1 year ago

skvadrik commented 1 year ago

Syntax files should be config files that describe a language backend via a set of configurations. When generating code, re2c would map various codegen concepts to the descriptions provided by the syntax file. This way a new language can be added easily by supplying a syntax file (by the user or by re2c developers --- existing backends should be described via syntax files, distributed with the re2c source code and as part of a re2c installation).

The man difficulty is to decide on a minimal set of configurations that are orthogonal and capable of describing different languages, so that we don't have to add new ad-hoc configurations for each new language. Once this is decided, codegen subsystem should be modified to support syntax files, and exising backends should be rewritten using syntax files (before adding new ones).

Related bugs/commits:

pmetzger commented 1 year ago

FWIW, this would be an amazingly cool feature.

pmetzger commented 11 months ago

Just wanted to say, again, this would be an amazingly cool feature.

skvadrik commented 11 months ago

I started some experimental work on this. I'm constrained on time at the moment, so it's not moving fast, but it's my next most important goal for re2c.

skvadrik commented 8 months ago

An update. I've been doing some experimental work on syntax-file branch, and I'm now at the point when all three existing language backends (C/C++, Go, Rust) can be expressed via config files: There language option has been removed from re2c, meaning that the codebase is now clear from any language-specific checks: (any language-specific behaviour is based on syntax configs). For the three existing backends, config files are built into re2c so that there's not need to pass any syntax configs (the --lang option works as before, as well as re2go and re2rust binaries), so this is all backwards compatible.

skvadrik commented 8 months ago

Next thing for me is to write a syntax config for D (very close to C/C++) and resurrect test cases from

Feedback on the current DSL I used in syntax file is welcome. Although it's not documented yet, but it shouldn't be very hard to understand. There are different groups of configurations:

The first two groups are simple, and the last group is basically templates for language constructs that are used in different parts of codegen. The DSL allows conditionals (condition ? it-yes-part : if-no-part), list generators that loop for a specific list variable [var: loop-body], strings and simple variables. All variables are in essence callbacks to re2c that get substituted with code fragments. Configurations in syntax files respect re2c options and configurations inside of the re2c blocks in the input file.

skvadrik commented 8 months ago

This is all experimental work, all configurations are subject to change while they are on syntax-files branch.

pmetzger commented 8 months ago

Handling a couple of more diverse languages (OCaml, Python) might be an interesting test here. I'm not sure I entirely understand how the init file works btw.

skvadrik commented 8 months ago adds support for D language (in the form of a syntax file).

skvadrik commented 5 months ago

Dlang support was added in

OCaml support was added in (see discussion in

Now, as suggested by @pmetzger I started looking at python. Basic example (with a custom syntax file, not shared here):

    re2c:define:YYFN = ["lex;", "str;", "cur;"];
    re2c:define:YYPEEK = "str[cur]";
    re2c:define:YYSKIP = "cur += 1";
    re2c:yyfill:enable = 0;

    number = [1-9][0-9]*;

    number { return True }
    *      { return False }

def main():
    str = "1234\x00"
    if not lex(str, 0):
         raise "error"

if __name__ == "__main__":

The generated code looks like this:

# Generated by re2c

def yy0(str, cur):
        yych = str[cur]
        cur += 1
        if yych <= '0':
                return yy1(str, cur)
        elif yych <= '9':
                return yy2(str, cur)
                return yy1(str, cur)

def yy1(str, cur):
        return False

def yy2(str, cur):
        yych = str[cur]
        if yych <= '/':
                return yy3(str, cur)
        elif yych <= '9':
                cur += 1
                return yy2(str, cur)
                return yy3(str, cur)

def yy3(str, cur):
        return True

def lex(str, cur):
        return yy0(str, cur)

def main():
    str = "1234\x00"
    if not lex(str, 0):
         raise "error"

if __name__ == "__main__":

Does it look reasonable? I plan to use recursive functions code model by default, but loop/switch model should work as well. Which one is preferable? Do function calls add much overhead in python? I'll do some benchmarks myself later, but I'm curios to hear what others think.

pmetzger commented 5 months ago

Python is interpreted, and doesn't have much of an optimizer. I suspect loop switch will be faster, but I don't know for sure. Benchmarks will be needed.

Another thing about python: it has a // operator, which potentially might be mistaken for a comment. Generally, I think that it might be good if the comment character for a particular language could be defined rather than using the default.

Oh, and lastly: python has optional type annotations. Those might be helpful in the generated code for those using mypy.

skvadrik commented 5 months ago

Huh, I got RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded on one example (not even a big one). In compiled languages I enforced tail recursion (ether in the form of annotation, or optimization level), but in python I think nothing can be done, the only way is to go with loop/switch. Am I missing something?

pmetzger commented 5 months ago

@skvadrik Oh! Python does not have tail recursion. I had not noticed how you were doing it, if you want to use recursion for this in Python you need a trampoline function so that you don't infinitely recurse. I guess using match (the equivalent of switch) is pretty much what you would need to use if you don't use a trampoline.

skvadrik commented 5 months ago

For reference, describes how to do trampolines with python.

skvadrik commented 5 months ago

Python support was added in (based on loop/switch mode).

Update: commit changed after force-push:

pmetzger commented 5 months ago

Just looked at the python example, it seems pretty reasonable.

skvadrik commented 4 months ago

Vlang support was added in

pmetzger commented 3 months ago

So I find myself wanting to use the Python support. I'm an adult and understand that all the syntax etc. for syntax files may change in the future. Could a suitable version of re2c get tagged (perhaps not officially released) for people who want to experiment with real code?

skvadrik commented 3 months ago

So I find myself wanting to use the Python support. I'm an adult and understand that all the syntax etc. for syntax files may change in the future. Could a suitable version of re2c get tagged (perhaps not officially released) for people who want to experiment with real code?

Use this: I previously rebased git history so that all python-specific work goes before it, and I shouldn't break git history up to this commit with my future changes.

skvadrik commented 3 months ago

@pmetzger It will be very helpful if you try it out and report any issues. :)

skvadrik commented 3 months ago

Haskell support was added in The configurations have to be a bit more verbose, as even simple operations have to update lexer state and propagate it further down the program (see I'm thinking that this can benefit from language-specific default API (so far it only exists for the C/C++ backend, but the definitions are now all in syntax files, so each syntax file may provide its own default API). There are monadic and pure styles for Haskell.

skvadrik commented 2 months ago

Java support was added in Update: rebased as

Unlike other languages, there is no good default implementation for YYPEEK in Java as it has very different syntax for strings and arrays. Therefore YYPEEK is left for the user to define even in default and record APIs.

pmetzger commented 2 months ago

Java support was added in


skvadrik commented 1 month ago

JS support was added in

skvadrik commented 1 month ago

Zig support was added in

skvadrik commented 1 month ago

My further plan is to focus on polishing syntax file API (and who knows - maybe eventually even releasing it :D). If you have other interesting languages in mind, please mention them in this thread - the API is not frozen yet and it's possible to change it. That said, for the last three languages (Java, JS, Zig) no changes were needed, which means it should be expressive enough (at least for C-like languages).

pmetzger commented 1 month ago

My main issue remains the "comment syntax" for the re2c blocks, but I will confess I haven't dived in deeply enough to things like the API. Maybe I should.

One option is to do a release soon but make the support for languages using the syntax files "experimental" to get more widespread feedback.

skvadrik commented 1 month ago

@pmetzger I rebased syntax-files branch and pulled it into master. Sorry if I broke your workflow. From now on just use master - I will keep merging syntax-files into it.

skvadrik commented 1 month ago

My main issue remains the "comment syntax" for the re2c blocks, but I will confess I haven't dived in deeply enough to things like the API. Maybe I should.

I will give it more thought.

One option is to do a release soon but make the support for languages using the syntax files "experimental" to get more widespread feedback.

It's not the re2c way to break backward compatibility, if possible to avoid it - I don't think we have a big enough community to get timely feedback.

pmetzger commented 1 month ago

So on the comments: there are going to end up being languages where // or /* is valid syntax. (For example, in Python, // is the integer division operator.) It feels safer to be able to use comments that make sense in the context of a given language.

skvadrik commented 1 month ago

So on the comments: there are going to end up being languages where // or /* is valid syntax. (For example, in Python, // is the integer division operator.) It feels safer to be able to use comments that make sense in the context of a given language.

That's a good point about syntax clash: I don't think it's a problem for the opening comment /*!re2c, as it is too specific, but the closing comment */ may be a problem.

Language-specific lexer will be hard to implement. At the moment lexer is written in re2c, and I'd like to keep it this way both for dogfooding and performance reasons.

Also, not all languages have multiline comments.

Instead of trying to use language-specific syntax, we can do what lex and bison do: use syntax that fits equally bad into any language, namely %{ and %}. These are already partially supported by re2c, so it will be natural to extend them, it will be familiar for the users (at least to some extent) and it shouldn't be that hard to implement. What do you think?

What I'm more worried about are single quotes (some languages allow them as parts of identifiers, labels, etc.). Syntax files already have some configurations that tell re2c whether to expect single quotes, backtick-quoted strings, etc.

pmetzger commented 1 month ago

Instead of trying to use language-specific syntax, we can do what lex and bison do: use syntax that fits equally bad into any language, namely %{ and %}. These are already partially supported by re2c, so it will be natural to extend them, it will be familiar for the users (at least to some extent) and it shouldn't be that hard to implement. What do you think?

I think that's certainly an option, especially if that can be shifted to an alternative in the unlikely event that a specific language is using that specific bracket pair for real syntax.

What I'm more worried about are single quotes (some languages allow them as parts of identifiers, labels, etc.).

ML descended languages use them to identify type variables. Lisp uses them to identify unevaluated forms.

pmetzger commented 1 month ago

It occurs to me that, with very high likelihood, nothing is ever going to use %RE2C{ and %RE2C}

skvadrik commented 1 month ago

I think that's certainly an option, especially if that can be shifted to an alternative in the unlikely event that a specific language is using that specific bracket pair for real syntax.

Exactly, that's the way it already works. We just need to extend %{ and %} to cover directives like /*!stags:re2c and prefixes like /*!local:re2c. Also at the moment it requires -F/--flex-syntax option - we'll need to drop that requirement.

ML descended languages use them to identify type variables. Lisp uses them to identify unevaluated forms.

Good, let's keep a list of all such cases and gradually add support for them in the lexer (it already knows about some). So far there's one boolean-valued configuration standalone_single_quotes in syntax files that turns on a bit of lexer logic that tries to parse what comes after the single quote as a label (that can be extended to look for an identifier, etc.).

pmetzger commented 1 month ago

Lisp will do both things like '(a b c) and 'a (both values that are treated as unevaluated constants), while ML will do both 'a (type variable) and sometimes 'a' (character constant.)

skvadrik commented 1 month ago

I added flex-style start/end markers %{, %{rules, %{stags, etc. in

See python and haskell examples, and I will port OCaml next (maybe Zig as well, as it has no C-style multiline comments /* ... */ - the rest of the languages are fine).

pmetzger commented 1 month ago

Nice! I'm curious why you're allowing arbitrary text before the %{?

skvadrik commented 1 month ago

Nice! I'm curious why you're allowing arbitrary text before the %{?

I think it's useful (it saves space) to allow staring a block in the middle of a line, e.g.:

    while True: %{
        // ... re2c code
pmetzger commented 1 month ago

Makes sense. I also see (given that this is using an re2c regex) why it would be hard to have several different flavors of braces etc. I almost wonder if adding one more character (something like %!{ or whatever) might be good to make a later conflict with a given programming language even more unlikely.

skvadrik commented 1 month ago

I almost wonder if adding one more character (something like %!{ or whatever) might be good to make a later conflict with a given programming language even more unlikely.

I think &{ should be fine, given that there is another option (/*!re2c).